PARGE - Boards

General Assembly
Rector Prof. K. Nevzat TARHAN
PARGE Coordinator (Chairperson) Prof.Muhsin KONUK
PARGE Deputy Coordinator Assoc.Prof.Türker Tekin ERGÜZEL
Incubation Center and TTO Director O. Murat ANLI 

Faculty Deans 

Prof.Osman Çerezci, Prof..Deniz Ülke Arıboğan, Prof.Haydar Sur, Prof.Nazife GÜNGÖR, Prof. Şefik Dursun

 Institute Directors

Prof.Sevil ATASOY,Prof.Muhsin KONUK, Assoc. Prof.F. Gökben HIZLI SAYAR
Prof.Elif ERHAN,Assoc.Prof.Türker Tekin ERGÜZEL
Vocational School Director Assoc.Prof.  Hüseyin Ozan TEKİN
Research and Application Center Director  
Project Development Director Dr. Nebiye YAŞAR , Ihab Abdalla Ibrahim Mohamed ELAFF
Director of Financial Affairs Emine DÖNMEZ


Executive Board Departments Represented
Prof. Elif ERHAN Institutes
Prof.Tunç ÇATAL Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Assoc. Prof.Hüseyin Ozan TEKİN Vocational School of Health Services
Assoc. Prof.Tuğba ALTINTAŞ Faculty of Health Sciences
Assoc. Prof. Dinçer ATLI Faculty of Communication
Dr. Faculty Member Ayşe Berna SARI Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Dr. Faculty Member Tuğba ÜNSAL Research and Application Centers