Science of Happiness’ Supplementary Textbook hit the shelves...

An important work from Üsküdar University. With the support of President of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan and Üsküdar University academicians, the work titled “The Science of Happiness, Positive Psychology Practices for the Youth” was published by Üsküdar University Publishing. According to the general rules of the MoNE curriculum, the supplementary textbook was prepared by Assist. Prof. Elif Konar Özkan and consists of 19 units, with the copyright of 22 psychology professionals. The work, which was completed in 5 years, also serves as a guide for psychological counselors and school counselors.

President of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan wrote the presentation text for the book which was published by the Üsküdar University Publishing under the editorship of Fatma Özten. Emphasizing that the book deals with the relationship between happiness and psychology from a holistic perspective, Tarhan stated that it is a serious reference book that will be a helpful resource for students.

It will show the ways to reach psychological resilience!

Prof. Tarhan said, “The Science of Happiness is a scientific effort that wants to contribute to our mental health, which is going negatively in this day that humanity lives in the age of pleasure and speed. If the purpose is " in the journey of man to eternity, and ‘happiness’ is the method is scientific methodology. The Science of Happiness recommends knowing yourself first, in other words, doing a 'SWOT analysis' for yourself. In other words, our 'Strengths-Weaknesses', 'Opportunities' and 'Threats', and then, it shows us the ways to reach psychological resilience by choosing and enforcing our strengths. On a theoretical basis, our weaknesses are already getting better in their natural course when our 'psychological immune system' gets stronger. Actually, this methodology can also be defined as the scientific presentation of value-based education. Sharing, gratitude, altruism, empathy, forgiveness, anger management, stress management, internal and external motivation, search for meaning and so on. It is taught in psychodramas and/or in the form of small plays. In developed countries, without exception, we can see that these courses are taught from time to time as optional and sometimes compulsory in primary, high school and university education, and their practices are supported as a social policy. Our children also need 'Mindfulness' training, in accordance with our own high values. When you examine the book, it will be seen that this education is the restructuring of our national culture and Anatolian wisdom in a scientific concept. When we think with the conscious that it is necessary to modernize by preserving our culture and that we cannot be universal without being local, it would be suitable to remind that the roots of this branch of science are Anatolia.”.

The book prepared in accordance with the MoNE standards will also be a guide for teachers

Prof.  Tarhan said, “This work has been prepared in accordance with the MEB standards within the framework of the supplementary textbook rules. The study consists of 19 units, copyrighted by twenty-two psychology professionals. The preparation of the book took five years. It is completely original. Applications are produced in accordance with early adolescence and adolescence period. First of all, it will be the greatest honor and gain for us to be able to touch future generations when we think that it will make the work of our Psychological Counselors and School Counselors easier. I wish you a pleasant reading and practice.”.

Academicians who contributed to the book:

Those who contributed to the book that was published under the editorship of Prof. Nevzat Tarhan are as follows: Prof. Tayfun Dogan, Specialist Clinical Ps. Görkem Altintas, Specialist Clinical Ps. Serkan Elci, Asst. Prof. Fatma Turan, Lecturer. Gülçin Şenyuva, Clinical Psychologist Çiğdem Demirsoy, Clinical Psychologist Yıldız Burkovic, Clinical Psychologist Cumhur Avcil, Lecturer Özgür Varan, Specialist Clinical Ps. Ahmet Yılmaz, Specialist Psychologist Aynur Sayım, Asst. Prof. Zeynep Gümüş Demir, Lecturer Cemre Ece Gökpınar Çağlı, Specialist Ps. Leyla Arslan, Exp. Ps. Esma Uygun, Exp. Cl. Ps. Pinar Turanli Durmus, Ex. Ps. Hafize Albayrak, Clinical Psychologist Ömer Bayar, Clinical Psychologist Gürler Fall and Lecturer Elif Konar Özkan

The book, which examines the concepts of happiness and psychology in detail, has taken its place on the shelves!

The titles of the book, in which Prof. Nevzat Tarhan wrote a foreword and chapter, are as follows:

Introduction to Positive Psychology

Man's Search for Meaning and Purpose

First Step to Youth

Getting to Know Yourself

Recognizing Others' Emotions

Safe Behavior

Positive Interpersonal Relationships

Stamina and Resilience

Problem Solving

Anger Management

Impulse Control

Emotion Management in Empathy

Motivation and Time Management

Compromise and Conflict Resolution


Social Media Education

Spiritual Values Education

Setting a Boundary and Skills to Say No

Happiness and Psychological Well-Being


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)