The Second Meeting of the Parent Academy was Held

This week’s guest was Psychologist Doctorand İlknur Uz in the event titled “Academy of Parents” held by Üsküdar University Institute of Social Sciences and Pendik Şehit Yalçın Aran Secondary School Counseling Service. Uz made a presentation titled “Oh No My Child is a Social Media Addict”.

“First task is for the parents”

Emphasizing that parents should be careful about their children's use of social media, Uz said: “Spending long periods of time in front of the computer can cause damage to the skeletal-muscular system, vision problems, regression in language skills, problems in brain development, negativities in social development, and epileptic seizures in some children, depending on the posture and sitting positions of children in the developmental age. For this reason, it is primarily the parents' responsibility to teach children the right rules about the use of computers and social media.”.

 “Banning access to the Internet is not a functional method”

Stating that today's children and young people were born into the Internet world; computers and the internet are involved in every aspect of life, Uz said that banning access to the internet is not a functional method for this reason. Stating that controlled Internet use is the most appropriate approach, Uz highlighted the importance of educating children and young people on subjects such as exposure to cyberbullying and sharing personal and private information.

“Social media rebuilds broken bounds”

Expressing that social media has not only negative aspects, but there are also positive aspects of social media usage, Uz said “Young people can reach a wide audience very quickly in emergencies through social media. Social media helps young people stay in touch with their distant friends by rebuilding broken bounds. They can also meet new people from different cultures. In addition, they can express themselves in a positive way by easily explaining their ideas in different forums. At the same time, they can reveal their potential and show their talents to the whole world through social media.”

Parent Academy will continue until July

At the end of the event, Üsküdar University, Social Sciences Institute Director Prof. Gökben Hızlı Sayar thanked İlknur Uz and the parents who attended. Pendik Şehit Yalçın Aran Secondary School Director Abdullah Özdemir expressed his content that the Parent Academy event will continue until July and thanked Üsküdar University, the guest speaker and the parents who attended.

The program flow of the Parent Academy is as follows:

April 15, 2021 - How Can we Support Young People with Exam Anxiety? – Zeynep Gamze Kalkanli

April 22, 2021 -Oh no, My Child is Addicted to Social Media – İlknur Uz

April 29, 2021 -Peer Bullying – Büşra Özdoğan

May 6, 2021 - Self-Confidence in Youth – Çisem Uzun

May 20, 2021- Rules of Communication with Young People – İdil Arasan Doğan

May 27, 2021- Do Young People Grieve? – Elif Kandaz

June 3, 2021- Is My Child Using Substances? – Asli Basabak Bhais

June 10, 2021- How can we Help Young People to Cope with Stress? – Büşra Odabaş

June 17, 2021- Adolescence and Its Problems – Eda Yılmazer

June 24, 2021-My Child Is Very Shy - Social Anxiety in Young People – Yasemin Ozan

July 1, 2021 - Digital Addictions- Ali Ruhan Çelik

Üsküdar News Agency  (ÜNA)