ZOOM license to 23 Thousand Üsküdar Students from Üsküdar University!

In the 2020-21 Academic Year which started by being overshadowed by the pandemic conditions, Üsküdar University continues on its way with the motto "Phy-gital University" and received a total of 23 thousand Zoom licenses for each of its students so that its students can get more efficiency from online courses together with its academicians.

Üsküdar University, which has created a solid technological infrastructure with significant investments, has implemented the concept of "Phy-gital University" in order to offer its students distance and uninterrupted education opportunities during the pandemic process. With this step, students benefit from both physical and digital education of the university in the most effective way. While Üsküdar University students were able to get online education synchronously (live) by entering the virtual classroom application Perculus via the ALMS program with the distance education courses and applications carried out on many digital platforms, a cooperation now has been made with Zoom. Integration studies for synchronous (live) education by entering Zoom via ALMS and recording and re-watching the lessons are also continuing.

Interactive Participation has Become Easier

Taking another important step in order for its students to get more efficiency from online courses, the university, together with its academic staff, purchased a total of 23 thousand Zoom licenses for each of its students. After the tests of giving Master's courses via Zoom software on the STIX program, which offers students easier interactive participation, there is no limit of interaction and time. Therefore, classes will now be held using Zoom software via ALMS with the Zoom licenses obtained. In Zoom classes, all students will be able to keep their cameras open without the limit of people. You will be able to participate instantly with the microphone. Thus, it is aimed to increase the learning efficiency and to increase the interaction in the lessons that will be made more interactive.

Students will be able to receive a much more qualified education...

Academicians and students, who can also benefit from online meetings and conferences via ZOOM, can also share information, documents and homework 24/7 by communicating with each other through the STIX program (stix.uskudar.edu.tr) developed by Üsküdar University Information Technologies Directorate.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)