Üsküdar Scientists are in the ECNS Conference…

Üsküdar University and NPİSTANBUL Hospital participated in 17th EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society (ECNS) conference this year.  Between October 27-28, Prof. Kemal Arıkan, Prof. Barış Metin and Asst. Prof. Cihan Taştan attended the conference hosted in Halifax, Canada with their study under the chairpersonship of Prof. Nevzat Tarhan. The 18th of the conferences will be held between September 3-7 in Türkiye and it will be hosted by Üsküdar University.

Üsküdar University and NPİSTANBUL Hospital scientists, who continue to present their works in international conferences, participated in the 17th ECNS conference this year.  The Conference drew great attention, which is hosted in Halifax, Canada between October 27-28.

By chairing the session titled "Neuropsychiatric Approaches to AI Technologies", Prof. Nevzat Tarhan shared the contribution of development of data with industry 4.0 transformation, increasing data capacity and resolution to the neuroimaging applications and developments of the data analysis progress of the big data in the presentation titled "New Approaches in Psychiatry and NP Model".

He explained ‘Np Model’ in health…

Sharing works in the literature on diagnosis, foresight and prognostic skills of the AI based models that are developed, Tarhan underlined that the importance of works in the literature on biomarker such as QEEG, Cordance, Entropy, Loreta, Theta/Beta ratio (NEBA) and the contribution of the biomarker development progresses. Tarhan discussed the efficient applications in the progress of obtaining new biomarkers especially by the Deep Learning based works. He informed on working principle and objectives of the "NP Model: AI and Image Processing Based Hospital Information Management System" interface patent application of which was completed and first version V1 of which was completed for the control groups of OCD – Healthy.

How do statistical data effect the diagnosis and treatment?

Contributing to the conference with the presentation titled "Digitalization of Psychiatric Records Means a lot for Clinicians", Üsküdar University Faculty Member Prof. Kemal Arıkan shared the contribution of the results obtained from data processed with statistical methods to diagnosis and treatment progresses of clinicians with his works.

How does Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity affect the brain?

Prof. Barış Metin participated in the conference with his presentation titled "Distinct neural correlates of attention problems and delay discounting deficits in ADHD" and Prof. Metin shared information on studies where MR images of individuals with attention deficiency hyperactivity disorders are analyzed, which is realized with the SRP fund support by Üsküdar University.  Indicating that attention disorders and impulsivity in ADHD occur due to the fact that different structures in the brain are affected in this study, Metin shared that the study will provide a common effect following the months after its publishing.

They work for national medication…

In conference, Üsküdar University instructor, TRGENMER Director Asst. Prof. Cihan Taştan also participated with its presentation title da "Bioinformatic Analysis of Genetic Profiles in Neurological Disorders". Mentioning his works, Taştan said that it is aimed to research epigenetic mechanisms by using transgenic cell Technologies and to develop medication candidate molecules depending on these mechanisms.  The study has a great importance regarding contribution to the place of the country within the world and national medication development and Taştan explained the importance of Genetic data and Bioinformatical analysis in understanding Neurological illnesses.  He also shared information on the project called AiTISM which is being developed for Autism Diagnosis and Personal treatment based of Artificial Intelligence.

18th ECNS Conference will be hosted by Üsküdar

The conference, which has been held with participation of important names in the field on international scale for long years, will be hosted by Üsküdar University in Türkiye between September 3-7 for its 18th conference.

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)