Important Announcement about 2020 - 2021 Academic Year Spring Term Phygital Education

Within the scope of coronavirus measures, the following decisions have been taken regarding the 2020-2021 Academic Year spring semester educational activities and common areas of use at our university, depending on the risks as following:

Theoretical courses will be held online in the spring semester, which will start on Monday, February 22, 2021 at our university. Practice and laboratory courses will be given in a hybrid manner in accordance with the Phygital Education model. Detailed explanations on this subject can be accessed from the announcements published on the Institute / Faculty / Health Services Vocational School web pages.

It has been decided to hold the visa exams to be held between April 5 - 18, 2021 online. The final exams to be held between June 7 - 21, 2021 are planned to be held face-to-face, and a separate announcement will be made if it is decided to do it online according to the course of the pandemic.

General usage areas (library, computer laboratories, etc.) in our campuses will be kept open according to the rules determined within the scope of Covid-19 between 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on weekdays.

All of our dining halls and cafeterias in our campuses will continue to serve according to the rules set within the scope of Covid-19 within the planned hours.

We would like to state that our primary wish during the process is the health and safety of all members of the Uskudar University family.