Proud Table of Clinical Psychology Graduate Students

Uskudar University Clinical Psychology Master's program students made a strong impression with the academic studies they did throughout the year with 48 faculty members. Clinical Psychology graduate students and their faculty members prepared 18 books or book chapters in the 2019-2020 academic year. While the printing of 8 of these is completed, the publishing process of 10 books continues.

Stating her views on the subject, Head of Clinical Psychology Department Assoc. Dr. Gokben Hizli Sayar stated the following:

“In our Clinical Psychology Master's program, our student satisfaction is high, because students want to participate not only in education but also in research, social responsibility projects, congresses, and book studies. We offer this opportunity abundantly. Despite all the disadvantages of the pandemic process, we had a successful and productive year with our students. We organized 5 symposiums and congresses in which our clinical psychology students took an active part in the organizing committee. This year, our psychology graduate students have been featured as authors in 20 international - national scientific articles. They presented 13 oral presentations or posters in international congresses and symposiums and 29 in national congresses and symposiums, and received 3 awards for their successful study.”


Üsküdar Haber Ajansı (ÜHA)