Hair Care and Beauty Services program held its first event

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Üsküdar University Hair Care and Beauty Services program, which was newly opened this year at Üsküdar University Vocational School of Health Services, held its first event with its first students. The event titled "Skin Care and Cosmetics" was attended by EVA Cosmetics Founder and Cosmetician Gülbahar Turgun. At the event, which attracted great attention, Turgun shared her professional experiences with the students and gave advice. She pointed out that it was not the wrong person, but the wrong chosen profession.

At the event held at Üsküdar University Çarşı Campus, the questions of the students were answered. Head of the Hair Care and Beauty Services Program, Instructor Birgül Erbaş also participated in the event.

"There is not the wrong person, but the wrong profession"

Stating that she believes that 90 percent success is achieved in the profession chosen with love, EVA Cosmetics Founder Cosmetician Gülbahar Turgun expressed that "It is not the wrong person, and it is the wrong profession. In the last 3 years, Türkiye has broken records all over the world. That is why I believe that everyone here has consciously chosen this profession. I believe that you will be successful 90 percent if you choose your profession out of love. I started this passion when I was 12 years old. I loved to get dressed up, and no matter what, I would not leave the house without makeup. I would save my money, and I would buy makeup products. Without my passion, I would not be here talking to you. New students, learn new things. Because when you look at it, there are pretty much old things. I get upset sometimes. I am very happy that such a department is opened at the university. Because I believe that you will graduate from here in 2 years and do a very good job. Every profession has its challenges. You have only just begun. There will be so many problems in front of you, do not be afraid. Beautifully done things may seem terrible, you can be criticized, but what comes out here? It turns out self-confidence. As I just said, if you really love this profession, you will endure everything. In fact, the moment we touch someone's face, believe me, the person in front of you feels that energy."

“When one does something that they love, a person will achieve success quickly."

Turgun talked about her experiences and gave advice to the students and stated that "It is the people in our industry who make the world beautiful. The concept of beauty originated in Egypt. How many thousand years ago? It started there. It started by making paint from charcoal. If the world sinks right now, it will sink, our sector will not sink. Why? Where there is a woman, there is beauty. Where there is beauty, there is always care. Some women are coming. They do not spend on nothing but saving their money to take care of themselves. After that, they say ‘I feel like I am a woman now.' They would be happy about it. You will have all kinds of problems in life. After starting a family, we will have more problems. Then, as a woman, most psychologically we spend money in the field of cosmetology, beauty. That is why we are in a very good profession. So, it will be even better in 2 years. Professional employees who do their job properly are always the best in the industry. It is very important to believe that you are in the right position. If you have any doubts in your mind, I wonder if I came wrong, how can it be? I wonder if I can do it? When this happens, you lose time. If you are talking to me in this class, if we are all talking together, this means you are on the right track. Believe me, among all the chosen professions, there is a profession that will beautify people, care for people and that I respect so well from the inside and outside. When a person does a job that one loves very much, they will achieve success very quickly."

"If you look at it financially, you will have difficulty"

Pointing out that looking at the profession only financially will cause difficulties, Turgun stated that "In the first step, you physically started a training here, but spiritually, sometimes we need something like this, someone to speak. Even a sentence that may have a question mark in your mind can sometimes change a person's life. It can change your path, your route. Secondly, if you have chosen this sector financially, it is called trade. 'There is a lot of money to be made in this industry, so I am going to make money on it.' If you say, then if Türkiye's financial situation collapses, you will collapse too. If it does, so do you. Such a map is drawn and when such a small difficulty comes your way, you will be sad and broken. I wish I had not chosen this, I wish I had chosen different profession instead. Among the students who come to me, there are some who come with the force of their mother, father or relative. I say do not choose this profession because they do not like it. Not everyone has to choose the beauty industry. Maybe it is better for them if they choose something else. You can choose fashion design, and you can be a chef. Recently, the need of men in this sector has been increasing. It is almost equal now. Hand care and facial care have started to increase in men as well. Therefore, if you do not like it, if you look at it financially, you are going to have a hard time."

EVA Cosmetics Founder and Cosmetician Gülbahar Turgun then gave gifts from her own products to the students. After the group photo shoot, the event ended.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)