Proper fishing activities do not cause marine pollution!

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With the start of the fishing season, experts say that fishing activities have an important place both economically and culturally and draw attention to the environmental impacts of fishing.

Emphasizing the environmental effects of fishing and the importance of conscious fishing, Asst. Prof. Ahmet Adiller stated that "The effects of properly carried out fishing activities on marine pollution are very low."

Üsküdar University Environmental Health Program Head Asst. Prof. Ahmet Adiller drew attention to the environmental effects of fishing and emphasized the importance of conscious fishing.

Illegal fishing adversely affects marine ecosystems...

Stating that fishing is one of the important business lines that has existed in our culture for centuries and is also a source of income for a certain segment, Asst. Prof. Ahmet Adiller expressed that "However, fishing, especially illegal fishing, has many negative consequences for marine ecosystems. Overfishing of fish and other seafood can significantly reduce the marine population of these species, leading to regional extinction of some species. Unfortunately, we have seen this in many different types in many different parts of our country. Moreover, some methods used in fishing, such as trawling, damage the seabed, and it harms not only the fish or aquatic creatures that are fished, but also many other plant and animal species. Many species such as seabirds and sea turtles, which are not actually intended to be caught during fishing activities, can also die by getting caught in the nets. For these reasons, fishing is one of the activities that should be carried out carefully and by following the rules."

Is there a risk of marine pollution with the lifting of the hunting ban?

Expressing that "The effects of properly carried out fishing activities on marine pollution are very low," Asst. Prof. Ahmet Adiller continued his remarks as follows:

"However, the condition of the boats and other equipment used in these activities plays a key role here. The lack of maintenance of fishing boats or the use of paints used on boats that have negative environmental effects can cause marine pollution. Dyes and some chemicals used in fishing boats can be accidentally mixed into seawater. These substances can lead to water pollution and negatively affect the marine ecosystem. The mixing of oils and fuels used in the engines of fishing boats into the sea can cause serious pollution.Moreover, if the fish are processed in the boat, the waste from here is another source that can cause pollution."

What measures can be taken to reduce marine pollution during the fishing season?

Emphasizing that the most important measure that can be taken to prevent marine pollution caused by fishing is to ensure the correct implementation of waste management on boats, Dr. Adil stated that "As in every area where people are present and operate, many different wastes occur on these boats and ships. These wastes should be prevented from being given directly to our seas and should be managed correctly. In addition to waste management, the maintenance of fishing boats should be done regularly, if possible, using dyes and chemicals that cause the least harm to the environment, and engine oil and fuel leaks on boats should be prevented."

The seas must be protected so that fishing can be carried out in the future!

Stating that although our country is surrounded by seas on three sides, we cannot fully benefit from these seas, Asst. Prof. Ahmet Adiller concluded his remarks as follows: "The water quality of our seas is quite bad, especially in our regions where the population and industrial facilities are high. In addition, illegal and illegal fishing activities further strain our marine ecosystems struggling with land-based pollution and climate change, and many fish and other aquatic species face the threat of regional extinction. We should not forget the mucilage problem caused by pollution in the Marmara Sea in the past years. We need to protect our seas so that the next generations can fish in our seas and eat the fish we can eat."


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)