Prof. Ebulfez Süleymanlı attended the conference in Azerbaijan

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Üsküdar University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Sociology faculty member Prof. Ebulfez Süleymanlı participated in “the 1st Azerbaijani Scientists Living Abroad Conference” as an invited speaker. Süleymanlı, who has been at the Turkic Academy in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, on an overseas assignment for a while, made evaluations about the current situation of Azerbaijan's scientific diaspora.

The conference was held on September 9-11, 2024, at the Gülüstan Palace in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. 200 people attended the conference, which was followed with interest. Among them were 80 Azerbaijani scientists from 23 countries, as well as high-ranking officials, rectors and heads of state institutions from Azerbaijan.

4 separate sessions were held

The conference, organized jointly by the State Committee for Diaspora Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Ministry of Education and Science of Azerbaijan and the Union of Azerbaijani Scientists Abroad, attracted great attention. In four separate sessions in the fields of health, engineering and social sciences, ideas were exchanged in light of pre-prepared topics.

What can be done for the development of science and economy was discussed

During the sessions, opinions and proposals were expressed on how to benefit from the experience and observations of Azerbaijani scientists working abroad for the development of Azerbaijan's science and economy. In this context, evaluations and suggestions were presented for the establishment and strengthening of permanent collaborations.

The current state of the scientific diaspora of Azerbaijan was determined

Prof. Abulfez Süleymanlı made evaluations about the current situation of Azerbaijan's scientific diaspora. Süleymanlı also talked about the importance of conducting sociological research for the development of a forward-looking strategy in this direction.

On the other hand, Süleymanlı made evaluations about “the 1st Azerbaijani Scientists Living Abroad Conference” on the Azerbaijani television.

Khankendi and Shusha city visited

On the last day of the conference, a large delegation visited the newly liberated cities of Khankendi and Shusha.

Later, a meeting was held with the academic board of Karabakh University, which will start its activities in the 2024-2025 academic year.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)