The child should be the captain, the mother and father should be the guide...

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President of Üsküdar University Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan made important evaluations in the program "Door to Mind with Prof. Nevzat Tarhan" broadcast on Dost TV and Dost FM. Pointing out that parents should give their children the opportunity to be the captain of their own lives instead of managing their children's lives, Tarhan said that the duty of parents is only to guide.

"Global capital is looking at the world..."

Pointing out that most of the marriages today end in divorce and that this number is high in the world and in Türkiye, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that "The world population and global capital are looking at the world. The world's population is growing at a very rapid pace. This gave rise to the industrial revolution. One of the triggers of the industrial revolution is Malthus. Malthus said, ‘If the world's population approaches 800 million, famine will begin.’ He is making industrial revolutions so that we can work harder on it and reduce the world's population. He carried out many studies on what we can do to prevent the increase in the world population, by triggering the industrial revolution. It was him who triggered the emergence of liberalism and communism. In order for us to dominate the world, we must be strong and defeat the weak. For example, Hitler was influenced by him. He lived in the style of 'We need to dominate the world.' It triggers a sense of domination of the world. Global capital wants to control the world's population."

"People have distrust of the state..."

Referring to the effects of family planning in Türkiye, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that people are distrustful of the state in this regard and this distrust still continues. Tarhan stated that "In the family planning of the 1960s, they were handing out spirals, they were handing out pills. They went from village to village, door to door. This is the extension of global capital in Türkiye. They were doing this as a serious project to reduce the number of births, the population. They did not succeed in Eastern Anatolia.”

"They say it will happen even if there are no children..."

Commenting on the out-of-wedlock birth rates around the world, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan expressed that "The current method of family planning has worked in one place, but it has not worked everywhere. Therefore, we do not need the family, and you cannot invest in an institution that fails 50 percent, divorces have exceeded 50 percent, and the trend of population reduction is reducing the number of children. They say, 'Even if there are no children, it will happen.' They say, 'One child is enough,' and this has been successful in the Scandinavian countries, in Europe, and in Western Europe. It is also successful in Ukraine. In Russia, it is somewhat successful, and these statistics show as follows. The rate of extramarital births is 2.9 percent in Türkiye, 56-59 percent in Scandinavian countries, 69 percent in Iceland and 59 percent in France. There are baby boxes in America. They put baby boxes in hospitals so that they would not be left on the street and die. They put it in a baby box from the outside, close it. There is a crib there, they take it from the inside, without ever seeing the parents. This is a serious problem..."

“There is no limit to the cruelty of the West, which we see as civilization!"

Referring to the international effects of global capital and global propaganda, Tarhan stated that "Global propaganda is robbing us of our right to say no. In other words, many people who do not approve cannot speak out. Internationally, many companies cannot say. In other words, we do not have the right or freedom to recognize the massacre against the massacre. There is no limit to the cruelty of the West, which we see as civilization. They are doing the same thing to global capital right now. They do this mostly through social media. Because they are struggling with the creation of man. Fighting for the wisdom of God Almighty. They are head-to-head against God, and a person who has a sense of accountability to God would not do this. They see themselves as God. That is, they seek immortality because they consider themselves gods. They are seriously seeking an injection of immortality and want to dominate the world. Death is the only thing stopping them."

"Children should be the captain of their own ship"

Stating that parents should be the captain of their own lives instead of managing their children's lives, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan concluded his remarks as follows: "We intimidate and manage our children with fear that is an old method, and we bring them to the point we want. In our current education system, our children become fascists in high school, anarchists in college, and capitalists in business. When they retire, they become Muslims. Such a generation is growing up. When we say that children become fascists, they take the opposite role when children are forced. They gravitate towards the opposite of authority because they do not feel like they are an individual; however, you have the right to disapprove. Your parents' duty is only to be the pilot. It is not about stepping into the shoes of the ship and managing it. The boy must be the captain of his own ship. At this time, if you teach this to the child at a young age, if there is wrong learning about sexuality in the child, it will be corrected immediately."

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)