Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "There is a vaccine for the digital pandemic"

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President of Üsküdar University Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan participated in the Bingöl Values Education Workshop program broadcast on the Science İrfan School YouTube channel. Tarhan made his speech under the title of "Communication with Generation Z". Stating that it is necessary to get to know young people to understand them, Tarhan stated that "Unless we speak the same language with young people, we cannot get along for whatever purpose. The language of young people has changed in this era. They slip out of our hands because we don't speak the same language. First of all, it is necessary to get to know the young people of this time." Tarhan also pointed out that there is a vaccine for the digital pandemic.

The online program was moderated by Atatürk University Faculty Member Prof. A. Halim Ulaş.

"First of all, it is necessary to get to know the young people of this time"

Stating that it is necessary to get to know young people to understand them, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said that "Unless we speak the same language with young people, we cannot get along for whatever purpose. The language of young people has changed in this era. They slip out of our hands because we do not speak the same language. First of all, it is necessary to get to know the young people of this time. It is appropriate to divide the X, Y and Z generations into three groups as radio, television and social media. Generation X has less contact with technology. More so in millennials. Generation Z, on the other hand, has much more contact with technology. While organizational commitment is high in Generation X, it decreases in Generation Y and Z. Belonging decreases, self-confidence increases. In Generation X, individuality is increasing, obedience to authority is decreasing. Generation Z has poor impulse control. That is why addictions, crime incidents and violence are more common. Social media usage is also high. For example, they can pay attention to several things at the same time, but when Generation X focuses on that thing, they can focus deeply on it. Generation Z cannot focus deeper. The sense of responsibility is gradually decreasing, the tendency to comfort is increasing. Conformity to social norms is higher in Generation X and lower in Generation Z."

“There is a vaccine for the digital pandemic"

Pointing out that Internet addiction has increased in the form of an epidemic, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that there is a vaccine for the digital pandemic. Tarhan stated that "Virtual addictions have emerged in this generation. The Internet provides 24/7 access. It is immersive, satisfying and validating the feeling of pleasure in the human brain in a tremendously easy, short and cheap way. It is convenient, easy to access, effortless and inexpensive. It does not feel threatening. Thus, it does not feel like 'I got caught, I committed a crime' and it is rewarding. Because of these seven features, the Internet is spreading in the form of an epidemic. In this pandemic, there is a vaccine for the digital pandemic."

"It is used as a stress reduction technique"

Emphasizing that the Internet is used to escape from negative emotions, Tarhan said that "In Internet addiction, there is a mental constant thinking about the Internet and daydreaming about it. We all take care of ourselves and our environment. There is an increasing need to use the Internet. As a result of reducing or completely cutting off Internet use, restlessness, depression and resentment are felt. In other words, excessive Internet use causes an increase in problems and loss in family, school, work and friends. That is, there is dangerous and harmful use. It is used as a stress reduction technique to escape from negative emotions."

“The first language that young people understand is persuasion"

Stating that it is necessary to convey the truth to the young people of this age through persuasion, Tarhan stated that "50 years ago, when young people were told that 'adults do not have answers', they were silent. From the family, the child was brought up with a sense of obedience, glorifying obedience. There was a culture of 'do not ask, don no think, and just obey'. Children who grow up in this culture follow the rules, but in this age, especially with the spread of the Internet, young people are questioning on social media. Why? They question. It is necessary to say no to young people with their reasons. When we tell them the truth with its reasons, even if they object at first, they later agree. The first language that young people understand is persuasion. The second language is the method of popularization. The classical method taught by intimidation. In this age, we will not be able to persuade young people with intimidation and threats because evil is spread everywhere."

"One of the ways to speak the same language is to behave in accordance with the digital generation"

Talking about the sensitivity of young people to justice, Tarhan also drew attention to the innocence of young people. Tarhan stated that "One of the ways to speak the same language as them is to be in line with the digital generation. We need to use the digital world and digital tools very well. If we turn our backs on digital tools, if we say they are forbidden, if we prefer not to bring them into our homes instead of bringing them into our homes in a controlled manner, then we will lose this generation. Thus, it does not happen with intimidation. Young people are currently caring about consistency. In other words, one says, 'Do what the person says and what he does do?' There is especially innocence in these young people, their sense of justice is very high. They want to be in a fair environment. They have a sense of fairness to feel safe.”

We will approach young people with the language of me instead of you...

Drawing attention to the fact that the language of "I" should be used to communicate positively with young people, Tarhan said that "We will approach young people with the language of me instead of the language of you. ‘You’ language is accusatory, judgmental language. We will use empathetic language. We should say, 'If I were you, I would do it like this. I would wear this, not that.' When you say this, the child will feel valued. There will be no sense of defense. That is how we need to approach it. Using language while communicating with young people is one of the most important methods of positive communication."

“The most important emotion is the feeling of love and sincerity"

Stating what educators should pay attention to when communicating with young people, Prof. Tarhan drew attention to the importance of love and sincerity. Tarhan stated that "Young people read not only what they are told, but also what they are not told. 20 percent of what we talk about is verbal expression. 80 percent of it is non-verbal expression. In other words, our tone of voice, our facial expression, our micro-facial expressions, gestures, all these convey emotions. We do not just convey information to the person we're talking to, we also convey emotion. We convey 20 percent book information and 80 percent emotion. The most important emotion is the feeling of love and sincerity. The children in the class are not buying what you tell them, but your sincerity and love for them. Children need to mentally take what you are telling. Therefore, you must be sincere. You must follow the rule of 'love, value and share'. It is important in all communication. The student has one feature. First, students must love the lesson. They excel in the subject they love. For them to love the lesson, they need to love the teacher. When they like the teacher, they like the lesson more."

"The teacher will be like the conductor in the classroom"

Stating that the person starts to feel pleasure when they immerse themselves in the sense of flow, Tarhan said that "The teacher will be like a conductor in the classroom. There are various instruments, and you are the conductor, and you must manage those instruments harmoniously. There are many students in the class, it is important to be able to manage those students harmoniously. You will be constantly awake, playing and singing something different from each instrument. As such, students do not sleep, they give themselves to the lesson, they cannot understand how the lesson went. This is the learning model that best keeps the brain awake. The more areas of the brain a person uses, the longer their attention span lasts. It is even called a sense of flow. They immerse themselves in the sense of flow, and they lose track of how the hours pass. They catch that sense of flow and begins to enjoy it. This is the teaching of positive psychology, and it is the best learning method."

The equation of purpose, need, desire and motivation...

Talking about the equation of purpose, need, desire and motivation, Tarhan told young people that they should have a purpose to be successful in the medium and long term. Tarhan stated that "We will call this world the age of postponing pleasures and obtaining good pleasures in the medium and long term. So that is why we teach them the ability to think strategically. When we teach children this, when bad feelings and distracting feelings come, if there is a template in their head, they can say no. Also, children need to learn to live purposefully. If one has a purpose, that purpose feels needed. If there is a need, the desire is awakened. If the desire is awakened, it becomes motivation. You will set goals to motivate the child. If you have a goal, you must think, 'What do I need to do to achieve this goal?' Children will find out for themselves. They will feel desire and take action. Thus, there is an equation of purpose, need, desire and motivation. That is how we can make this equation work."

“At home, mom and dad have joint leadership."

Mentioning that the family will be peaceful when the house is a regulated and disciplined environment, Prof. Tarhan said that "The leader of the class is the teacher. If he loses the leadership to the children, he will not be able to dominate the class. At home, too, there is joint leadership of the parents. If there is no shared leadership, there will be no peace at home. For this, there must be common rules. The home environment will be regulated and disciplined. If he is regulated and disciplined, there will be peace in the house. Because where there is a rule, there is justice. If there is justice of love in the house, there is justice in sharing. There are balances in the family. At home, you will enter the role of father, mother. You will have a horizontal relationship with the child, but you will not lose the leadership. We will talk to the child about what is wrong and what is right. We will say no to the wrong with its reasons. We will tell the truth with persuasion. Therefore, it is very important to be able to experience the role of father and mother at home."

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)