The new members of the Üsküdar family: Miço and Lucky

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Üsküdar University, which has met the shelter and feeding needs of many stray animals in its different campuses, has issued an identity card for the cute dogs named Miço and Lucky. They are now officially members of the Üsküdar University family. Perhaps the most beloved...

Miço, the lovely member of the Çarşı Campus...

Miço, who has been living in Üsküdar University Çarşı Campus for a long time, is a source of joy for the Üsküdar University family with her presence on campus.

Miço, the beloved member of the family, welcomes those who come in the morning at the Çarşı Campus and sends them off in the evening.

Being a popular member of the Üsküdar Campus Miço, whose needs are met meticulously, now has an identity document.

This interest and concern for Miço also reveals the Üsküdar family's love and sensitivity towards animals.

Lucky, the faithful friend of the Health Campus

Like Miço, another cute member of the Üsküdar family is Lucky...

Lucky, who has been living at Üsküdar University Health Campus for a long time, has become an official member of the university, just like Miço.

Lucky, who has the interest and love of students as well as academic and administrative staff, is one of those who joined the Üsküdar University family by obtaining his identity document.

Üsküdar University's sensitivity to animal rights...

Üsküdar University exhibits an exemplary attitude towards protecting not only Miço and Lucky, but also all stray animals.

Shelters for cats, dogs and birds were established in different campuses... It draws attention with its benevolent attitude by hosting these adorable friends.

With its academic, administrative staff and students, Üsküdar University meets the shelter and nutrition needs of stray animals.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)