'July 15 Democracy and National Unity Day' was commemorated with many events

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.48416

Üsküdar University held a series of activities within the scope of July 15 Democracy and National Unity Day. First, the July 15 Martyrs' Monument and Memorial Museum were visited and prayers were made for the martyrs. In another event, a talk was held with the theme of "Social Consequences of Coups in Psychological and Sociological Terms". In the interview, the July 15 coup attempt was discussed in all aspects. At the same time, the "Coup and Democracy Exhibition" was opened and July 15 was examined on the campuses of Üsküdar University for a week.

Üsküdar University hosted many events this year as part of the July 15 Democracy and National Unity Day. It was aimed to raise awareness in many different areas, from monument visits to interviews and exhibitions.

Martyrs' Monument and Memorial Museum visited

The management, academic and administrative staff of Üsküdar University and students visited the July 15 Martyrs' Monument and Memorial Museum. During the visit, RİNAP President Prof. Niyazi Beki prayed for the souls of the martyrs.

A talk was held with the theme of "Social Consequences of Coups in Psychological and Sociological Terms"

Another event was the talk themed "Social Consequences of Coups in Psychological and Sociological Terms" broadcast on ÜÜ TV. Üsküdar University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Political Science and International Relations (English) Asst. Prof. Fehmi Ağca, HCS Manager Sadık Paksoy and ASDER Secretary General Gürcan Onat participated.

The conversation was moderated by ASDER Secretary General Gürcan Onat.

Asst. Prof. Fehmi Ağca: "It is necessary to create democratic awareness, especially among young people"

Üsküdar University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Political Science and International Relations (English), Assist. Prof. Fehmi Ağca emphasized the importance of creating democratic consciousness among young people. Ağca stated that "A coup d'état is an illegitimate act. Democracy is based on the people's elections; therefore, coups are illegitimate. FETO is no different from previous coups. It is necessary to create democratic consciousness, especially among young people. It is necessary to ensure the continuation of this democratic consciousness. For this reason, we remind young people every July 15. We must explain the need to protect democracy, this is our duty. Otherwise, we will not be able to preserve our democracy. The Turkish people could not carry out the FETO coup because they protected their country. Our duty is to ensure the continuation of this awareness and to protect our democracy."

HCS Director Sadık Paksoy: "Our country is the one that protects democracy the most"

HCS Director Sadık Paksoy stated that Türkiye is the country that protects democracy the most. Paksoy stated that "In democracies, changes and transformations are manifested by the free will of the people. This is demonstrated by elections. Indeed, when we compare it with the countries of the world, it is our country, our nation that embraces democracy the most, believes in it the most and reveals its very conscious choice in this regard. Our nation loves democracy, republic and free will.”

"Coup and Democracy Exhibition" opened

Another event organized as part of the July 15 Democracy and National Unity Day was the "Coup and Democracy Exhibition". The exhibition was exhibited on the campuses of Üsküdar University for a week.

In the exhibition, the events of the night of July 15 were once again told.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)