They can learn, but their learning models are different...

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President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that "All of the children we say have learning difficulties can learn, but their learning model is different. Now everyone says, 'My child has dyslexia'. The diagnosis of dyslexia is a cute diagnosis, as is the diagnosis of panic disorder. It does not label the child."

Noting that learning disabilities cover a wide area, Elmas Esra Ceceli, General Manager of Disabled and Elderly Services of the Ministry of Family and Social Services, stated that "We are heading towards a period where those who can think differently will be separated."

Hosted by Üsküdar University, organized by the Dyslexia Learning Disabilities Association and the Turkish Foundation for Children with Dyslexia (DISLEV), the Second International Congress on Learning Disabilities (UÖGK '2024) was held at Üsküdar University NP Health Campus Ibni Sina Auditorium.

The topic of "How does one learn?" is being discussed

Speaking at the opening of the congress, President of Üsküdar University Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan stated that learning disability is a new unexplored area of human behavior and explained that the subject of "How does human learn?" is investigated among brain-based learning subjects, and that artificial intelligence has emerged by making simulations on the subjects of "how people learn, how they decide, how they think, how they feel".

Pointing out that some children's learning models are different, Prof. Tarhan expressed that "These children are exposed to peer bullying because they look differently and are perceived differently at school and in the classroom."

There may also be problems with social and emotional skills

Stating that there may be problems in social and emotional skills as well as learning difficulties, Prof. Tarhan noted that some children have more emotional and social learning skills, that these children are more detailed and that they are 'super' in some subjects, for example, if they are asked 'which day is the last Saturday of February', they immediately give the answer.

Prof. Tarhan said that "If you say multiply four decimals, it multiplies, but if you say sit down and talk to someone, they cannot chat. They are children with backward emotional and social skills. They say to these children, ‘This child will not study,' because they are isolated among their friends. So was Einstein. The teacher wrote a note to her mother saying, ‘He cannot be educated, do not bother to bring him here.'"

The 'expectation theory' test...

Referring to the subject of 'expectation theory', Prof. Tarhan stated that a test was given to primary school children and the teachers were told that some students in the class were gifted according to the results of this test, but these students were randomly selected and they were not actually gifted, and that the teachers showed more interest in these students and at the end of the year, it was seen that these students were actually more successful academically.

"Instead of suppressing these children, it is necessary to be able to educate them in the language they understand."

Prof. Tarhan "All of the children we say have learning difficulties can learn, but their learning model is different," and continued his remarks as follows: "The brains of these children work differently. Its ranking is different. So are hyperactive children. Hyperactive children have a gene related to hyperactivity. Next to that gene, there is a second gene, the creativity gene. In fact, these are children who think differently, children who think out of the ordinary. If you suppress them with medication, you dull them. For this reason, not only drug treatment is required, but also individual education suitable for them. Personalized training, special training is required. Instead of suppressing these children, it is necessary to be able to educate them in the language they understand."

Dyslexia diagnosis does not label the child

Stating that they determine the learning difficulties of children who come to the child psychiatrist, Prof. Tarhan expressed that "We have to do pediatric rehabilitation in child psychiatry. Since psychiatric treatment affects academic success a lot, mothers and fathers are more conscious, not the same as before. The name of the learning disability was dyslexia. Now everyone says, 'My child has dyslexia.' The diagnosis of dyslexia is a cute diagnosis, as is the diagnosis of panic disorder. It does not label the child.”

A family disease...

Noting that learning disabilities are a family disease, Prof. Tarhan stated that "It is important for the family to be aware of it. These children are special. Other children learn in groups; however, these children learn through one-on-one instruction. Because their learning models are different, they cannot focus. They quickly become demoralized because they cannot do it. They leave education uncompleted.”

The term learning disability...

Üsküdar University Language and Speech Therapy Department Head and Congress Co-Chair Prof. Ahmet Konrot stated that the terms have changed recently and that definitions such as special teaching difficulties and mental dyslexia are left aside and the term learning disability is more appropriate, and the name of the congress has been determined as the learning disability congress.

Elmas Esra Ceceli: "You know, I write b's backwards."

In her speech at the congress, Elmas Esra Ceceli, General Director of Disabled and Elderly Services of the Ministry of Family and Social Services, explained that they started to work on the fact that the field of dyslexia is not considered as a disability group, but since it is seen in the learning disability class, it should be included in the early intervention system, and said that "You know, I am the one whose notebook was teared by the teacher, who writes these b's backwards… I am the person who completes 7 to 10 first then subtracts 3 when adding 6 and 7."

We all have our own stories...

Stating that she still checks when she writes b and d, Ceceli said that "If your story is not like that of the majority, there is nothing to be afraid of, let them reflect on their troubles. We all have our own stories. The fact that stories are so generalized and taken in a pattern is the real social problem. Children are struggling at school. However, we are heading towards such an age that if the education system continues to be so generalizing, it will not feed the human element enough."

Learning disabilities, and especially dyslexia, may go unnoticed in childhood

Ceceli expressed that "We are heading towards a period where those who can think differently will be separated," and she explained that learning disabilities cover a wide area, learning difficulties and especially dyslexia may not be noticed in childhood and can cause individuals to experience various difficulties in the education process. Noting that they believe in special education, Ceceli said that "These people's original ways of thinking should not be eliminated. It is a richness."

What does the family-based national early intervention system aim at?

Explaining that there is a study called the family-based national early intervention system, Ceceli stated that "This study has started for a while and we are about to reap important fruits. And we will continue this system in integration with the Ministry of Health system. What are we aiming for? We aim to identify developmental delays and these special learning needs at the earliest stage and guide families correctly. As long as the family is not supported, it is very difficult to move forward on this issue."

"Diagnosis and Evaluation of Specific Learning Disabilities", "Early Diagnosis and Early Intervention in Specific Learning Disabilities", "Other Conditions Accompanying Specific Learning Disabilities", "Management of Specific Learning Difficulties" and "Dyslexia-Dysgraphia-Dyscalculia" were also discussed at the Second International Congress on Specific Learning Disabilities.


Üsküdar News Agency ÜNA)