One month before the exam, the most effective study is solving a lot of trial tests!

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The 2024 Higher Education Institutions Exam has entered the last month. Ertuğrul Tut, Director of Educational Institutions and Guidance Services at Üsküdar University, made suggestions about how students should make use of the last month and what they should pay attention to.

Ertugrul Tut stated that "The most effective study to be done 1 month before YKS is to solve plenty of practice exams and to repeat the questions that you could not solve in the trial test. These trial tests starting from the nearest date can be solved. The questions that cannot be done are much more important than the questions that can be done in a trial exam."

Üsküdar University Educational Institutions and Guidance Services Director Ertuğrul Tut gave advice to the students who will take the exam one month before the 2024 Higher Education Institutions Exam, which will be held in three sessions on June 8-9 and will be taken by more than 3 million candidates.

Guidance Services Director Ertuğrul Tut reminded that the Basic Proficiency Test (TYT) will be held on June 8, Saturday, Field Proficiency Tests (AYT) in the morning session on June 9, Sunday, and the Foreign Language Test (YDT) in the afternoon session within the scope of YKS.

Subjects that were removed due to the earthquake were included in the curriculum again this year

Pointing to the current developments regarding the 2024 exam for students preparing for YKS, Ertuğrul Tut said that "Last year, some of the subjects in the 12th grade 2nd semester curriculum were removed from YKS due to the earthquake. This year, these subjects were included in the curriculum again in YKS. Apart from this, we cannot talk about a change that will affect students."

Not the questions that can be done, but the questions that cannot be done are much more important!

Ertuğrul Tut gave the following information about how to create an effective study program for the candidates preparing for the YKS exam 1 month before the last month: "The most effective study to be done one month before the YKS is to solve the abundant practice exam and to repeat the subject quickly on the solution of the questions that cannot be done in the trial test. These trial tests can also be solving exam questions starting from the nearest date. In a trial test, the questions that cannot be solved are much more important, not the questions that can be solved. The ability to produce solutions to different types of questions that show the lack of subject can be realized by understanding the solution logic of the questions that cannot be solved."

Candidates who maintain time control are more likely to be successful

Stating that it is not possible to say, 'This tactic gives a very positive result' to be successful in the YKS exam, Ertuğrul Tut said that "However, some important nuances can enable the candidates to get ahead in this race. As it is known, although certain departments have set a ranking threshold, YKS is a ranking exam. Candidates who are very well prepared throughout the semester may be frustrated with small mistakes during the exam. The most important thing to pay attention to is that the candidates develop the most suitable tactic for them. They can determine which branch they should start from with practice exams that they will solve. It should be noted that the exam is timed. However, time planning during the exam is also very important.

The most important feature of ÖSYM in recent years is that the prepared questions are time-wasting for the candidates. In fact, ÖSYM also measures the candidate's time control. For this reason, candidates who provide time control are more likely to be successful. This is where another importance of trial tests comes in: time control and strategizing."

Stomach pain and sweating in the hands affect exam success

Ertuğrul Tut also said the following remarks about whether just studying is enough to be successful in YKS and what the importance of mental and physical health is:

"Both processes complement each other. A very intense study can create the feeling that the exam will be taken completely. However, the motivation and concentration of the candidate before the exam also determines the course of the exam. Excessive anxiety levels bring with it some physical problems. The most prominent features are loss of motivation during the exam, lack of concentration, excessive sweating in the hands and different parts of the body, headache and stomach pain, nausea, etc., which also affect the success of the exam."

Choosing a profession without knowing yourself makes you unhappy!

Ertuğrul Tut, Director of Educational Institutions and Guidance Services, also informed about what should be considered when choosing YKS, and said that "The selection process may be the last stage of fatigue, but we can say that it is the most important step. The part where the most mistakes are made is this last stage of the process. Candidates, thinking that the process ends after the exam, make a university career choice very quickly, without thinking about it, without questioning themselves, together with the fatigue they feel. The most important thing I recommend here is that the candidate should think about themselves, know themselves and dream about the profession they will choose, knowing what they want. What is popular can go out of fashion, and it should not be forgotten. Unfortunately, our social structure and education curriculum do not give students much opportunity to get to know themselves. Choosing a profession without knowing oneself means an unhappy education life and an unhappy professional life."

Parents should not impose their own dreams on the candidate!

Stating that families have a lot of work to do during the preference period, Tut expressed that "It is very important for families to help the candidate in choosing a profession, but this help does not turn into pressure. They need to allow the candidate to get to know the professions. While parents are directing the candidate with good intentions, they should not impose their own dreams on the candidate, but they should allow those who are the subject of the process to live their dreams. Going to the universities and departments to be studied (within the possibilities) and getting detailed information can provide an idea. Moreover, by looking at the undergraduate courses of the department to be studied, it can be decided whether the department is in our field of interest. Career Tests can contribute to narrowing down the list. Getting an expert opinion can allow these processes to work properly."


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)