"Sociological and Psycho-political Readings of Space" panel was held

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.45172

Within the scope of the 'Sociological and Psycho-political Readings-Book Discussion' activities led by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Üsküdar University, a panel titled "Sociological and Psycho-political Readings of Space" was organized. Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Prof. Deniz Ülke Arıboğan also participated in the panel.

As a guest of the seminar held at Üsküdar University South Campus Socrates Hall, Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine Asst. Prof. Pınar Karababa Demircan, Head of the Department of Psychology, Üsküdar University, Asst. Prof. Hazal Ayas, Head of the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Üsküdar University, Asst. Prof. Selin Dingiloğlu and Üsküdar University Department of Sociology Asst. Prof. Nihan Kalkandeler Özdin attended.

The opening speech was made by Prof. Deniz Ülke Arıboğan

The opening speech of the seminar was made by Prof. Deniz Ülke Arıboğan. Talking about the current studies of the Political Psychology Application and Research Center, Arıboğan stated that the book that was the subject of the panel was a fruit of the work of the center.

Women's relationships with the space and themselves were examined

Informing on her chapter in the book, Asst. Prof. Nihal Kalkandeler Özdin examined women's relations with space and themselves. In this context, Özdin argues that women's social life resembles a kind of surveillance society and pointed out that women's actions are under constant control, both externally and internally. Mentioning that this control sometimes distances women from the state of being themselves, Dr. Özdin stated that in her chapter in the book, she examines the effect of this situation on shaping social spaces.

It is emphasized that stadiums can reduce social tensions...

Expressing that she examined sports venues in her chapter in the book and focused on stadiums as a place that stands out with its unique features, Asst. Prof. Hazal Ayas pointed out that stadiums have gained importance since the Ancient Age as areas where emotions such as sadness, joy, disappointment, friendship and hostility are experienced more intensely than everyday life.

Stating that the stadium venue, which is especially identified with football in the modern period, has gained importance in relation to politics today, Asst. Prof. Ayas emphasized that the stadium can both express social reactions as a public space and reduce social tensions by serving as a place of relaxation for people.

It was pointed out that pubs turned into areas of political organization

Stating that in the book, she considers pubs, social meaning of which has changed throughout history, as a public space. Asst. Prof. Selin Dingiloğlu stated that she especially focused on the change of pubs in Germany. Pointing out that industrialization and urbanization have caused changes in the role of pubs as public spaces, Asst. Prof. Dingiloğlu pointed out that pubs have turned into political organization areas as a place of interaction and conflict between socialist and fascist groups in Germany. Asst. Prof. Dingiloğlu stated that pubs as a place also played an important role in the rise of the Nazi Party in the 30s.

It has different meanings for West and East German citizens...

Speaking as the last speaker of the seminar, Asst. Prof. Pınar Karababa Demircan stated that in her chapter in the book, she examines the transformation of the Berlin Wall as a social space over the years. Asst. Prof. Demircan said that the wall has different meanings for West and East German citizens. He drew attention to issues such as the process leading up to the destruction of the wall and how the wall took shape as a place of collective memory after Germany was reunified.

The seminar ended with the answers to the questions from the audience.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜHA)