TECH'24 Engineering and Technology Summit was held at Üsküdar University

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TECH'24 Engineering and Technology Summit was held at Üsküdar University with the participation of experts in their fields.

Speaking at the summit, President of Üsküdar University Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said that in the 21st century, where technology is developing rapidly, it is very difficult to catch up and pass information and technology without acquiring some skills. Stating that the first of these skills is teamwork and the other is positive communication, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan expressed that "Individual intelligences cannot get in the way of group intelligence."

Delivering the first session as the guest of honor, Vice President of the Presidency of Defense Industries of the Republic of Türkiye Prof. Hakan Karataş emphasized the importance given to talent management in the defense industry. Prof. Hakan Karataş also touched on the important points that young engineers should consider in their career plans.

The TECH'24 Engineering and Technology Summit, which lasted for 2 days at Üsküdar University Central Campus Nermin Tarhan Conference Hall, started with the opening speeches of Üsküdar University Technology and Innovation Club President Sevin Ergün, Üsküdar University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Dean Prof. Osman Çerezci and President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan.

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "There is no technical transformation without mental transformation"

President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan emphasized the importance of techno initiative in the 21st century in his speech. Tarhan stated that "It is very difficult to catch up and pass information and technology without acquiring the skills in this century,” and Nevzat Tarhan added that the truth of each century is different and it is necessary to give new answers to new questions.

Stating that the first of the 21st century skills is to be able to work in a team, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan continued his remarks as follows:

"Individual intelligences cannot take precedence over group intelligence. That is why those who can work in a team make the difference.

"This age cannot handle the understanding of 'Come when you change..."

Stating that the aim of the project is to form a team and for people with different temperaments and life views to act in a similar way for the same purpose, Tarhan said that "This age cannot handle the understanding of 'come when you change, think like me, understand like me, comprehend like me'. In developed countries, those who think differently, and contradictory are rewarded, but in undeveloped countries, those who think differently are called 'inventing'. There is no technical transformation without mental transformation. Social transformation comes after mental transformation. For this reason, the transformation in minds is very important."

"Comparing ourselves to others brings us down"

Stating that one of the negativities affecting Eastern societies is 'hopelessness', Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said that "We immediately fall into despair and pessimism. In recent neuroscience studies, it has been observed that the feeling of hope and the expectation of recovery activate the internal pharmacy at a rate of 40 percent in the human brain. It strengthens the immune system and makes it easier to defeat diseases. It also provides internal motivation. There is an internal motivation and an external motivation." Prof. Nevzat Tarhan likened the external motivation to the wind-driven ship and the internal motivation to the steamship. Stating that it is very important for young people to activate themselves and dream, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said the following remarks:

"There are a lot of people around us who criticize what we do. We do not criticize ourselves or use it to seek the truth, we use it to get away with it. Comparing ourselves to others also brings us down. Set yourself a goal and compare it to it. Comparing with others lowers motivation."

"Do not underestimate any step"

Stating that another 21st century skill is positive communication, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan expressed that "This is not talked about much, but as the evils increase in the world, the importance of emphasizing the positive will become more apparent. Being positive does not mean being Pollyanna. You should see the negative, and you should see the positive. You will make yourself work positively. There is a trait that is found in lazy people with low motivation, they say 'nothing will happen to me'. They always make negative comments to themselves. Positive motivation emerges by setting goals for oneself, drawing a road map and solving problems instead of running away."

Saying "It is very important to aspire to difficulty", Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that "You will aspire to difficulty, and small successes achieved as you achieve difficult ones are the biggest steps of great success. A big journey is embarked on in small steps. Large fires also start with a small spark. Do not underestimate any step, it is very important that you are taking steps towards the goal. While doing this, prepare yourself for winter, but wait for summer. If you prepare for winter and wait for winter, you will not be able to do anything. You work to maintain the status quo, which leads to missing out on a lot of things.”

"If we increase the effort, the centers of gravity in the world will change in 20-30 years"

Emphasizing that it is necessary to dream to improve the present, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan concluded his remarks as follows:

"Dreaming has an incubation period. You dream for a purpose, and you do something in that direction. Later, you begin to have dreams about the dreams you had. It also occurs when you do not expect it. For this, a mental effort is required, and then the discovery appears. If you dream if there is productive thinking, good ideas will emerge.

At the moment, western societies tend to become lazy. If we increase the work and effort, the centers of gravity in the world will change in 20-30 years. For this reason, young people should not be pessimistic and should not listen to those who say 'go abroad and run away from here'. We have young people who do great things when they have the opportunity. We need more young people who sleep with the project and get up with the project. They will represent our future."

Prof. Osman Çerezci: "Our students achieve very good results with TÜBİTAK projects"

Üsküdar University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Dean Prof. Osman Çerezci, who had the floor after Üsküdar University Technology and Innovation Club President Sevin Ergün in the opening speeches, expressed that courses for research and the development of science were included in the university curriculum.

Prof. Osman Çerezci stated that "From the first year to the fourth year, we provide the opportunity for our students to develop both project development and application skills with the 'University Culture Course', 'Entrepreneurship and Project Culture Course' and project implementation opportunities. We know that countries with knowledge and technology are strong countries. And countries that are strong in this field also have a say in world politics. We desperately need to be strong in this regard in our country. Therefore, science, technology and research need to come together to achieve such power. We give the information to our students. Our students create projects. They enter competitions with TÜBİTAK projects and achieve very good results."

"Work is being done right now that we could not have imagined 10-20 years ago."

Stating that patent studies are intensifying every year within the university, Prof. Osman Çerezci concluded his remarks as follows: "As of last year, more than 20 patent studies were carried out. All this is for our country to reach better levels and for our country to take the stage in a better way in the technology race with other countries. Currently, work is being carried out that we could not have imagined 10-20 years ago. For example, very good progress has been made in the field of defense industry. Technology is very important in every field. However, it is much more important to have technology in the defense industry."

Prof. Hakan Karataş: "We do not admire technology, but the inventor of technology"

After the opening speeches, the first session of the TECH'24 Engineering and Technology Summit was held by Vice President of the Presidency of Defense Industries Prof. Hakan Karataş. In his presentation, Prof. Karataş explained the answers to the questions 'how do we look at today's Türkiye?' and 'how do we look at talent?' from the perspective of the defense industry. Prof. Karataş also explained that today's successes will be achieved by looking at engineering from a human perspective and for what purpose and on which path is taken.

Emphasizing the importance given to talent management in the defense industry, Prof. Hakan Karataş said that "As the defense industry, we do not admire technology when looking at the platforms we produce, the element we should admire is the inventor of technology. If people are convinced, they do these things. Our only question is, 'How can one be convinced and attain this mental power?' Because it is not easy to convince a person, it is very difficult to take them on a journey and make them a partner in a business. However, when a person believes, puts it at the center of their life, and places the meaning and purpose correctly, one can create such great systems."

Prof. Hakan Karataş: "We have to understand young people"

Prof. Hakan Karataş expressed that "We think that talent is very valuable in the defense industry and that we need to build talent with the right competencies," and added that companies must spend a lot of effort and resources in cases where there are no right competencies, meaning, purpose and passion in talent.

Referring to the research he conducted among engineering students, Prof. Hakan Karataş explained what young people want and do not want in business life and what they actually need. Karataş stated that "A young population is coming, and we have to understand them. It would be easy to say, 'Times have changed, young people are getting worse'. Teens do not get worse, on the contrary, they have problems adapting with adults. Those who have problems adapting are grumpy."

Industry leaders talked about technology

In the other sessions of the day, Üsküdar University TRGENMER Director Asst. Prof. Cihan Taştan, Microsoft Application Innovation Technology Leader Daron Yöndem and TÜBİTAK Space Project Manager Ömer Ataş made their presentations.

In the second day sessions, Co-Print Founder Fatih Kazım Duyz, Presidency of Defense Industries KAAN Avionics, Mission and Weapon Systems & HÜRJET Program Manager Muhammed Ali Yiğit, Informatics Valley General Manager Erkam Tüzgen, Trendyol Technology Leader Emre Savcı and TurkishTechnology AI Product Owner Ramazan Sarı shared information about today's technologies.

TECH'24 Engineering and Technology Summit ended with a family photo shoot.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)