Children's talents become evident from infancy!

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Experts say that children who are supported by families with observation, interest and care can reveal their potential at an earlier age; however, some children may hide their talents, and careful evaluations may be required in this case.

Stating that the capacity of understanding and ability begins to manifest itself from infancy, Child Development Specialist Elif Konar Özkan expressed that "The child's family and family environment, friend groups and social experiences are important in the emergence, development and consolidation of the child's abilities."

Üsküdar University Department of Child Development Instructor Elif Konar Özkan, who works at Üsküdar University Gifted Children Application and Research Center, made evaluations about gifted children.

"Some children clearly show their level of intelligence or ability"

Noting that talent is defined as 'a person's capacity to understand and do something', Elif Konar Özkan stated that "The capacity to understand and do begins to manifest itself from infancy. If it is a family environment that will create opportunities to get to know the child and guide them to reveal their potential, the child begins to express themselves comfortably and freely. An attentive family thus acquires many clues as to what they can do and, of course, what they can do. The most important thing is to observe the child and living life with the child... Some children show themselves openly. This is obvious if their level of intelligence or talent is far superior to their peers or special. Some children, on the other hand, hide themselves for various reasons (genetics, epigenetics, psychological characteristics; parental attitudes, environmental influences); In such a situation, careful evaluations become important."

"Careful evaluations may be required for children with above-average abilities"

Stating that many gifted children can learn to read and write before going to school, and that they can start researching, questioning and actively using their problem-solving skills at an early age, Özkan said that "Careful evaluations may be required for children whose differences from their peers are not evident in this way or who are slightly more talented than average. By using various scales, the child's performance in cognitive, social, emotional and motor development areas is profiled. When they are recognized at an early age and guided appropriately, their development can be regulated."

"Unsuitable environments prevent their potential from being revealed"

Stating that although talent is genetically formed in the child, it develops and its potential emerges through the environment, Elif Konar Özkan said that "The child's family and family environment, friend groups and social experiences are important in the emergence, development and consolidation of the child's talents. Gifted children, who are born equipped with different and privileged features, show their potential if they have found a suitable environment for their development at every age, and unsuitable environments prevent their potential from being revealed and hinder them. It should not be forgotten that special talent is an individual characteristic. First of all, it should be remembered that they are children."

How should education be for gifted children?

Konar stated that education can be applied separately from their peers in specially designed environments for gifted children and with specially trained teachers and specially developed programs. Explaining that education can also be provided together, where support services and programs are offered in the same educational environments without separating them from their peers, Elif Konar Özkan stated that "In the separate education model, all of the children in the program are especially talented, and the students support each other at a high level and compete. Thus, the feeling of being alone decreases. Of course, this is not without its disadvantage... Gifted children are prevented from interacting with other children in a separate education model, and therefore it becomes difficult for them to integrate into society, the development of leadership characteristics is hindered and may cause them to be selfish."

"The co-education model gives children the opportunity to grow up more adaptable and flexible"

Noting that in the co-education model, gifted children can receive diversified and enriched education among their peers and in normal classes, Elif Konar Özkan said that "Therefore, it supports the social emotional development of children without separating them from their peers. While it is ensured that gifted children develop according to their own speed and competencies in the areas they are advanced, and it allows them to be together with their peers in other areas, to interact, to learn and to produce together. This method gives children the opportunity to grow up more adaptable and flexible."

Stating that guidance teachers, resource room system, and Science and Art Education Centers are among the additional practices planned to support gifted children in educational environments in our country, Child Development Specialist Elif Konar Özkan expressed that "In addition to these, mentoring support should not be neglected in the fields they are interested in. Apart from these, guidance should be performed for expert support when needed psychosocially."

It is important for the family to cooperate with the school

Emphasizing the importance of the family cooperating with the school, Elif Konar Özkan stated that "It is necessary to be able to make careful observations to get to know the child, to notice if there are incompatibilities within the school and outside the school, and to be open to receiving support for the in-class and extracurricular supplements necessary for the satisfaction of the child. Being able to exhibit an attitude that is open to developing and reinforcing their natural curiosity, exploration and invention in early childhood without hindering them will enable the child to easily reveal their potential. The most important detail is that parents do not hinder these characteristics of children while fulfilling their responsibilities to develop the potential of gifted children, to make them live in the moment and to be prepared for the future."

Elif Konar Özkan also pointed out the activities at Üsküdar University Gifted Children Application and Research Center.

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)