The great success of our PhD student Özcan…

Üsküdar University Institute of Health Sciences Molecular Neuroscience doctorate program student Öznur Özge Özcan started to work at Setint Aİ Robotic System Education and Consultancy firm within the scope of University-Industry cooperation as R&D specialist.

Both PhD student and R&D Specialist
Molecular Neuroscience doctorate student Öznur Özge Özcan will lead research and development activities that support Setint Aİ Robotic System Education and Consultancy firm objectives. Özcan, who will supervise the new product development process starting from the planning to the implementation phase of the company and take part in the new technology, product and production processes, will also supervise the research projects.

Özcan said that Üsküdar University had a great impact on her success while Expressing her excitement and satisfaction about her new position. Özcan stated the following:

Özcan: “Üsküdar family has a big share in my success”

“I would like to extend my gratitude to Üsküdar University Founding President Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, to Vice President Prof. Muhsin Konuk, who always attended our molecular neuroscience doctorate programs and helped us, to Assoc. Prof. Mesut Karahan who has been my consultant since master's degree, educated me and prepared me for the future. I would also like to thank all the other instructors who attended our courses and the strong Üsküdar University family.”

“I will not stop being a good person and working”

Öznur Özge Özcan shared that “I am really happy given the fact that I have made my university and family proud as I am walking towards the future. I will never give up hard work, discipline, patience, being a right and good person in order to be more worthy of my country, university and instructors therefore to achieve great success. This beautiful family has given me something much more important than my career, which is to be a person with a good heart and a solid personality that will be beneficial to my country.”

Assoc. Prof. Karahan: “Our students will be preferred in business life thanks to industry-oriented theses.”
Üsküdar University Faculty Member of Health Sciences, Ministry of Industry and Technology KUSI Istanbul Province Representative Assoc. Prof. Mesut Karahan congratulated Öznur Özge Özcan given her accomplishment. Karahan remarked; “As Üsküdar University, through providing industry-oriented theses to all students in our institutes, our country can bring the technology it needs to domestic production. Our students will be preferred even before graduation thanks to these theses.
Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)