Board of Trustees came together at dinner

Üsküdar University Board of Trustees met at the dinner held in the Main Campus İcadiye Hall. Üsküdar University Secretary General Selçuk Uysaler made a presentation at the meeting on the academic, administrative and scientific studies of Üsküdar University since its establishment in 2011.

Üsküdar University Founding President Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, Chairman of the Board of Trustees A. Furkan Tarhan, Members of the Board of Trustees Mevlüde Vuslat Bekaroğlu, Ramazan Çelik, Said Ceyhan, General Secretary Selçuk Uysaler, Vice President Prof. Muhsin Konuk, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Dean Prof. Deniz Ülke Arıboğan, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Dean Prof. Osman Çerezci, Advisor to President Halide İncekara and Executive Assistant Naringül Aksu attended the meeting.

Board of Trustees Member ASDER Honorary President and Advisor to President of Turkish Republic Adnan Tanrıverdi also attended the meeting.

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)