Woman employees account for 55% of Üsküdar University…

Haber ile ilişkili SDG etiketleri

DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.42726

Üsküdar University, which attaches importance to women's participation in business life and their participation in organizations as managers, has once again proved its place among women employee-friendly institutions in terms of academic and administrative staff. Compared to last year, the rate of academic and administrative staff of Üsküdar University increased from 54% to 55%...

54% of the academy is women...

It was seen that the number of women employees was higher than that of men when the academic staff data were examined in Üsküdar University, which is aware of the importance of women's employment in business life.

While the proportion of women academic staff in the institution was 53.32% in 2022, this rate increased to 54% this year. The proportion of men personnel was recorded as 46%.

The result did not change in the administrative structure of the institution, where the predominantly women population in the academy is located.

56.07% of the administrative staff are women...

In the University, which makes a great contribution to women's employment in Türkiye, the number of women employees in administrative staff has exceeded men. While the proportion of women administrative staff of the institution, which supports women to be in administrative positions, was 55.13% in 2022, this rate was 56.07% in 2023. It is seen that the proportion of men employees is 43.3% in 2023.

Üsküdar University Human Resources Department significantly supports the employment of women employees to increase internal diversity, to ensure equality between men and women in working life, as well as to recruit talented women professionals and to socio-economically support women.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)