Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "There is a need for a manifesto about creation..."

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President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan made a presentation titled "Is the secret of creation intelligent design?" at the "7th International Congress on Creation in the Light of Sciences" hosted by Bitlis Eren University between 19-21 October 2023. Emphasizing that mathematicians understand tawhid best, Tarhan said that our mathematical mind tells us tawhid. Tarhan stated that "We can now say that the belief in monotheism is the closest explanation of existence to reason as a mathematical reality."

President of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan made a presentation titled “Is the secret of creation intelligent design?" at the "7th International Congress on Creation in the Light of Sciences" hosted by Bitlis Eren University between 19-21 October 2023.

Metaverse: Is the universe a simulation?

Referring to the question "Metaverse: Is the universe a simulation?", Prof. Tarhan stated in his presentation that "The non-mathematized state of science is philosophy" and also stated that computational neurobiology was born as a result of theoretical modeling.

Prof. Tarhan said: "The philosophy of existence needs to be reinterpreted. The best mathematicians understand monotheism. We can now say that 'monotheism' is the closest explanation of existence as a mathematical reality."

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that there are various scientific analysis methods of the mental laboratory and noted that cybernetics is a branch of science that investigates the control and management of all living and non-living complex systems, their lower and upper connections and structures.

Prof. Tarhan stated the following remarks:

The shortest path to the truth is the synthesis of religion and science...

"The shortest path to the truth is the synthesis of religion and science. In the laboratory of mind, then, the sciences, the social sciences, the humanities, and the religious sciences are all different paths of science to the truth, and they are not rivals but complete each other."

'Design existence' is the only plausible explanation for accidental existence

Stating that System Theory is valid for all systems, Prof. Tarhan continued his remarks as follows: "It can be mechanical, physical, biological, intellectual and social. It is a methodology that perceives and explains the common collection of relationships between the elements and qualities of different entities and dynamics. Systematic and methodological analysis examines the relationships and mutual interactions between events and phenomena and is found in critical, analysis and synthesis with reasoning methods. In that way, it uses mathematical modeling. As Hegel said, 'everything that is questioned is real, everything that is real can be questioned'. When we question existence, 'Design existence' stands out as the only plausible explanation for accidental existence."

Rethinking the conception of God

Stating that according to the philosophy of mind, human beings are larger than the brain and body, Tarhan said: "Your brain is a quantum receiver that resonates with a field called the mind. This may explain psychic experiences of the self and beyond. It can give clues about spirituality. It can make us rethink the conception of God."

It is impossible for the mathematical mind to say that it is possible

Prof. Tarhan explained that the universe, which appears as a macrocosmosis, is considered as a microcosm of atomic and subatomic particles when considering a complex system from the universe to atoms, and that a wide difference is observed in a great similarity, according to the principles of cybernetics and systems theory. Tarhan continued his remarks as follows:

"A high will and superior intelligence... Such a will, which will think skillfully about the two concepts together, design them artistically, diversify them with precision, give vitality by adding energy, make them sustainable in a balanced way, and keep the opposites in a dynamic quantum equilibrium, is a necessary entity (Vacib-ül Vücud). However, then all this will be finite and disappear. It is impossible for any mathematical mind to say that this is possible."

Stating that there would be no morality and civilization without the anterior brain, Tarhan said that the right brain is the altruistic and spiritual hemisphere of the brain.

Tarhan said: "As a result, it is understood the fact that the universe was designed by a supernatural will with knowledge, created with will, wisdom and power instead of theories based on accidental existence to explain existence, and the fact that it operates under its control at all times (the truth of Tawhid) is more suitable for mathematical reason."

A manifesto about creation is needed...

At the end of the 3-day congress, the members of the congress advisory board, including Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, shared the final declaration of the congress with the public. Commenting on the congress, Tarhan pointed out that the International Congresses on Creation in the Light of Sciences are developing every year and growing by putting new things on it. Emphasizing that the congress has improved in terms of quality and quantity, Tarhan made the following evaluations on the congress: "So much so that we see that some of the topics discussed in our congresses are the subject of master's theses and some of them are the subject of projects. This shows that creation is becoming more and more rooted with scientific soundness. Materialism began to be seriously questioned in the world. Now, there are discussions of postmaterialist science. In these discussions, alternative views explaining existence have been opened up a lot. There is a need for an effort that goes all the way to the Manifesto on creation, religion and science, and other sciences. There is a good choice of existence that explains this issue all over the world. It provides new answers to old questions about death and afterlife. Old answers used to be given to these questions, and now new answers are given with these congresses. We are looking for new answers to these questions."

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)