You cannot climb the ladders of happiness freewheelingly!

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Stating that situations such as 'Do what you like, avoid what makes you unhappy' should not come to mind when it comes to mental health, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that "When climbing to the hill of happiness, you do not climb carefreely with your hand in your pocket. You do not walk on such flowery roads all the time, but you want to make an effort, get tired and sweaty. If happiness is a goal, if it is a hill, if it is a peak, if we are going to reach it, it is necessary to invest there." Tarhan also said that there is a great need for awareness about mental health.

President of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that days such as October 10, World Mental Health Day aim to raise awareness and said: "There is a great need for awareness about mental health."

A person should know their strengths and weaknesses!

Explaining that the first stage of mental health is self-awareness, that is, self-knowledge, the second stage is self-management, the third is recognizing the other party, empathy, and the fourth is relationship management, Prof. Tarhan stated that people should know the answer to the question 'What are my strengths, and what are my weaknesses?'

Noting that when it comes to mental health, situations such as 'Do what you like, avoid what makes you unhappy, if something makes you unhappy, let it go from your life, live your life, if your child makes you unhappy, let your child go and live your life' should not come to mind, Prof. Tarhan said that "There is no such life. This makes a person extremely selfish. It develops individual narcissism, social narcissism. This is very dangerous. This leads people to loneliness and unhappiness. As a result, depression is increasing."

Instead of running away from unhappiness, one should say 'how can I get over it'!

Stating that the modernist fallacy has changed the philosophy of life of humanity, Prof. Tarhan continued as follows:

"Now let's consider this psycho-swot analysis (when individuals or organizations discover their strengths and weaknesses and consider the opportunities and threats before taking action for a specific purpose). To evaluate the possibilities and opportunities, we must first know the purpose. What are the opportunities, what are the threats, what are the opportunities that may come my way on the way to that goal? To know these, first of all, there must be a purpose of life and there must be life goals, and if a person with goals has an unhappiness on the way to the goal in such cases, they should prefer to say 'How can I overcome this unhappiness instead of running away'. On the way to the hill of happiness, one does not climb it carefreely with their hand in their pocket, one does not go out of such flowery roads, one wants to make an effort, get tired, sweat. If happiness is a goal, if it is a hill, if it is a peak, if we are going to reach it, it is necessary to invest there."

Puberty extended to 25-30 years...

Pointing out that prolonged puberty is an epidemic all over the world, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said: "Adolescence has reached the age of 25-30. The child that one feels inside is only 10-15 years old. You see, the child that is in you can immediately fall into that happiness trap and fall in love with the one who shows interest. One can do things that are contrary to basic values, and one can do things that are not in accordance with moral norms. These people cannot regulate emotions, so they cannot regulate their emotions. Life means life with rules."

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that mental health is the right to life of human beings, and that material well-being has increased in the world, but psychological well-being is crawling on the ground, suicides and divorces are increasing, and Türkiye is moving in this direction.

Stating that families used to teach cultural norms and now the media, Prof. Tarhan explained that the world is now an age that is completely pleasure-oriented, fond of consumerism and luxury, and inflated ego.

The age of egoism...

Stating that there has never been a period in the history of humanity when egoism has become so global, Prof. Tarhan stated that "That's why they call this age the age of egocentrism, that is, putting yourself and your interests above those of others, and being selfish."

Pointing out that there is no happiness where there is egoism, Prof. Tarhan said that happiness is attributed to external causes so that you can be happy if you have this, whereas happiness has an internal cause.

Emphasizing the importance of living in the moment and appreciating the present, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said, "Human beings who will learn from the past will look to the future but will live today. This is how the philosophy of life should be, otherwise we are wasting our intellectual energy, our mental energy."

Look at the children of educated people...

Pointing out the need to educate the next generation well, Tarhan said: "The Ottomans did the longest thing with justice. For example, look at people who are in a successful place right now, look at the professors, or people who have been in a certain position. Their parents are farmers, tradesmen... That's how they raised their children. However, look at the children of those educated people right now. They are running away from home, or they are using drugs. This is nothing more than a complete educational error. They do not take care of their child, and they are focused on work."

Stating that the child should spend time with the parents, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan emphasized that mental health is also important in the family, and that if there is no family, which is the building block of society, that society is doomed to collapse.

Investing in the future is an investment in people, not in stone or soil...

Prof. Tarhan stated that "It is useful to consider family mental health and community mental health as well as individual mental health. We cannot invest in our future any other way. An investment in the future is not an investment in stone and soil, but it is an investment in people."


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)