Prof. Nevzat Tarhan explained 'Time Management' to university students

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President of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan met with the students at the interview organized by the Health Sciences University Genç Mekteb-i Tıbbiyeliler (Youth Medical School Students) Club. In the program where the title of "Time Management" was discussed with great participation, Tarhan drew attention to many issues from the psychology of procrastination, the ability to manage time, and both the place and importance of sleep in time management.

In the program, which took place at the University of Health Sciences and attracted great interest from the students, President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan gave important advice to the participants under the title of "Time Management".

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "Medicine is not only a science, but also an art"

Starting his speech with evaluations about how his university years went, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said; "The first years of my student life were spent in Cerrahpaşa. I compare those times with now, there are huge differences between the students of my period and today in terms of opportunities, of course, according to the conditions at that time. Medicine is not only a science, it is also an art form. Art is also learned through the master-apprentice relationship. It is important to have a close relationship with the teachers, even the suturing style of a teacher is learned. In other words, the close relationship of the professors has great importance in asking questions, directing the patience and so on in psychiatry. There is a saying of our pathology teacher in Cerrahpaşa: 'Parsley covers the mistake of the cook, iron covers the mistake of the tailor, soil covers the mistake of the doctor'. "You can make a one percent mistake when you are doing any construction, but the medical professional, the health professional, the person who makes the treatment decision, has to consider the 6-0 mistake."

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "They give time, but they do not neglect it..."

Answering what the underlying psychological reason for procrastination is and why people procrastinate, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said that there are two invisible emotions in the background of the feeling of procrastination. Tarhan mentioned that there are important reasons for these feelings such as a sense of perfectionism, the fear of making mistakes and a lack of self-confidence. Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that "Perfectionists think that if something is not perfect, it is all or nothing. In psychiatric practice, this is called two-pronged thinking. Two-pronged thinking is either black or white... These people do not think about the gray areas. In fact, they postpone it because the reasons for the postponement were not what they wanted. In fact, they make the mistake of doing nothing although they want to do better, not to make mistakes. While people who procrastinate actually want to do better, they have to face them because they made the mistake of doing nothing. There is a saying that 'the devil is in the details'. In fact, the equivalent of this promise is success in the details. People who think about this detail are detail-oriented and perfectionists. If the thinking person is also aware of their goal, they see a detail on the way to the goal. They see the detail, and they catch it. They notice the detail that no one else can find or notice. That success is in the details; however, that detail is in the detail of positioning. There is a saying that this person is very lucky, in fact they are not lucky. Chance is the cross point of reason and opportunity. If a person acts wisely, if he takes a position, the opportunity will come their way. Such people do not procrastinate. They see the detail and go to the goal. One of the other reasons for procrastination is the lack of self-confidence of the person. They try to postpone it by saying ‘I cannot do it, I cannot succeed’. It is necessary to work on self-confidence in people with low self-confidence. People who have a goal, which we call psychological SWOT analysis. We analyze and see their strengths and weaknesses, and can go towards their strategic goal and plan accordingly, do not give up. It is very important not to give up here. It is very important to have a fighting spirit. People with a fighting spirit do not procrastinate. It only gives time, but does not neglect it.”

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "Time is more valuable than money"

Drawing attention to the importance of the ability to manage time, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said that "If a person is going to manage a resource, they must first have a purpose. Life is a resource. Time is also a resource. Our psychological capital is also a resource. Our social capital is also a resource. It works with resource management rules. You are going to transfer the information, you are going to reduce the output, and you are going to grow the source. When you say psychological capital, you will be rich in love. If you become a lover of love, it will return to you as an investment. Therefore, you become the loved one, but you will give first. Time is one such resource. In fact, they say 'time is money', in fact, time is more valuable than money. If the cash goes, it comes back, but the time does not come back. The most important capital of human beings is life capital. There is a benevolent side and a bad side in all of us... The evil part is greedy, ambitious, insatiable, arrogant, and lying is considered normal. And then there is the benevolent side! It is important which one we will invest more in. The management of our psychological resources within us is the management of our emotional resources. In time management, you will set your goals, see your weaknesses, look at the threats and opportunities that await you. If a crisis arises, you will take the threat direction and analyze it, and you will think about how you can turn it into an opportunity. You will see the negative and the positive; however, you should focus on the positive. We say in Anatolia that ‘sit and wait for winter’, but we need to prepare ourselves for winter. If we do not do this, we will manage time management in the form of war. Our brain programs itself, and in time management, we will plan our day and future correctly. We will have dreams and rules. It is so boring to live by just the rule. We will have dreams and rules, and we will act in accordance with our time management. People who manage time well make a difference."

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "A person who manages time well deserves sleep"

Talking about the place and importance of sleep in time management, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that "Sleep in time management, normally physiological sleep varies between 5-8 hours. It depends on the person. A person who manages time well deserves sleep, work and time. Even the term leisure time has been abolished in psychology. It is called free time instead of leisure time. Free time also has its own dynamics. It is even called the 15 percent rule. In order for a person to be an entrepreneur, investor and innovator, they must pay attention to the 15 percent rule. If a person has 100 hours on something, they will spend 15 hours thinking about what they are doing, thinking about what they think. That is, one will have quiet time for themselves. If you have 10 hours, you will devote 1.5 hours to your own personal use, and if you think about the work you do, you can make self-criticism about your work, you can question, you can correct some mistakes that have turned into automatic. For this reason, the purpose of sleep is not less sleep, but correct, quality and hygienic sleep. 5 hours of quality sleep is enough for most people. Sleep physiology is different. Acting accordingly is valuable in time management."

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "REM sleep repairs our psychological health"

Answering the questions of the participants, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said that REM sleep is very important in the repair and renewal of the brain. Tarhan explained how to get organized by making a use of REM sleep. Tarhan stated that "The beginning of the REM period is 90 minutes. When there is a deep sleep for 90 minutes, the brain clears the fatigue substances and then moves on to the REM. During the REM sleep period, the brain now classifies psychological information from distant memory to near memory. Therefore, a person can wake up often, but it does not matter if they go back to sleep. The REM period is also the period in which 90 percent of the dream is seen. If a person wakes up in the REM period, they are definitely telling a dream. At that time, the brain was actively working. It works actively, but dreams also occur. The dynamic of that dream is different... For example, normally in physical reality, fire and gunpowder are not found side by side, but in the brain, the two are neighbors, side by side, and in the dynamics of sleep. Dreams become confusing because there are two opposites side by side; therefore, it is important to interpret dreams. The interpretation is according to the personality structure. It is necessary to pay attention to sleep hygiene to spend the REM period with quality. In people with depression, the person goes into REM within 5-10 minutes as soon as they sleep because their brain needs to rest psychologically. The psychological dynamics in the brain make you want to rest more, and this is even used as a biological indicator of depression. If the REM period is short during the sleep phase, it is one of the strongest evidences of depression. If our body is a state, our brain is like a government, everything is managed from there. All decisions are made from there, timing, planning, resources are managed from there. That's why our brain manages our psychological dynamics during the sleep period and our mind during the REM period. REM sleep also repairs our psychological health. Other sleep repairs other areas of the brain. It is important to do justice to sleep and to live in accordance with sleep hygiene."

Tarhan also signed his books...

While the interest of academicians as well as students was great, Tarhan also signed his books for the participants.

Tarhan also visited the Ruha Şifa Hüsn-ü Calligraphy Exhibition...

After the group photo shoot, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan visited the "Ruha Şifa Hüsn-ü Calligraphy Exhibition (Soul Healing Good Calligraphy Exhibition)" in the Health Sciences University Mekteb-i Tıbbiye-i Şahane Külliyesi (Medical School Great Complex). Psychology-based studies in calligraphy attracted attention.

Reporter-Photograph: Eda Nur Keçeci



Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)