On the 100th anniversary of the Republic, students experienced the joy of wearing white coats...

Haber ile ilişkili SDG etiketleri

DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.42458

For the students of Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences Audiology Department, “The White Coat Ceremony of the First Audiologists of the 2nd Century" was held. At the ceremony held on October 10 "World Audiologists Day", the 100th anniversary of the Republic was also celebrated with enthusiasm. The excitement of the white coat ceremony was also shared by the families of the students.

On the Anniversary of the 2nd century of Republic, the "White Coat Ceremony of the First Audiologists of the Century" took place at Üsküdar University Health Campus Ibn-i Sina Auditorium. At the event, which attracted great interest from academics and families, parents who saw the students in white coats had emotional moments.

At the ceremony which started with a moment of silence and the reciting of the National Anthem, the oratorio performance in which the Anniversary of the 2nd century of the Republic was told was organized by the students of the Department of Audiology, it was watched with admiration.

Assist. Prof. Didem Şahin Ceylan: "Our effort was to combine audiology with literature and art"

Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences Head of Audiology Department Assist. Prof. Didem Şahin Ceylan talked about their work for the audiology department. Ceyla said that "We have made documentaries that have not been made in the history of audiology, and we still continue to do so. We think that everyone in Türkiye who brought audiology to these days should have a documentary. As Üsküdar audiology, it was our effort to combine audiology with literature and art because we first staged a theater play for high school students in 2019, and it was a theater play about the problems experienced by a hearing-impaired individual. We have written books about hearing impaired individuals. We wrote a lot of story books within the scope of graduation project course. At the heart of it all, there were deaf children. Last year, for the first time, the 'Audiology and Art' course started in the curriculum. We have shown that audiology and art are a field. We know that we are a very successful department in audiology in Istanbul. The fact that we have always been on good terms with the students, our empathetic approach and having a contemporary and visionary perspective have brought us this success."

Prof. Arif Aktuğ Ertekin: "People who do not hear are detached from society and become isolated"

Later, Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences Dean Prof. Arif Aktuğ Ertekin had the floor. Ertekin stated that "When it comes to university education, it is one of the issues that we value very much to raise individuals who will have good communication with the society, both as a source of education, as a source of information. They are well trained in their professions, they will do their professions well, I believe that they will make very important contributions to their families, their own societies and this world. Furthermore, there is a great problem in this world. When people do not hear, they become isolated and lose their communication with the environment, turning into individuals who are detached from society. However, when they are handled, they can turn into people who make great contributions to society. I congratulate our friends who have reached the stage of wearing aprons. I wish them success in their lives and professions."

Prof. Şefik Dursun: "It is extremely important to do your job well"

Üsküdar University Advisor to the Rector and Head of the Department of Biophysics of the Faculty of Medicine Prof. Şefik Dursun emphasized that it is extremely important to make the profession exccelent. Dursun said that "I would like to thank the whole team who prepared this program. It is extremely important to do your job well, in fact, this is the issue of the world. At Üsküdar University, we always strive for this. Üsküdar University is taking firm steps on its own path. The excellency of the university will be measured by the quality of the students it educates, the society knows this, we know it and we strive for it. Our children who will graduate will be the healthy ears of our nation."

Prof. Ferda Akdaş: "We have made great efforts in the establishment and development of audiology in our country"

Prof. Ferda Akdaş, who brought audiology to these days in Türkiye, gave advice to audiology students. Akdaş said: "In these days when we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Republic, I am very happy to be a part of our rise to the level of contemporary civilizations pointed out by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. We have made great efforts in the establishment and development of audiology in our country. We have never given up in the face of the difficulties we face, and you should not be either. Apart from the information about your profession, read books, know the geography well, read the history of the Republic and learn it thoroughly. There is no good citizen who does not know its history. Read Atatürk's address to the youth until you memorize it. Above all, be a good person, love people, be loyal, do what you do well, try to do the best, establish good relations with those around you, be curious, do not avoid asking questions, always try to improve yourself."

Birol Erişci: "We started like Turks, we finished like Turks, we set an example for the world"

Having made great contributions to the development and dissemination of the science of audiology in Türkiye, General Manager of Erişçi Electronics Birol Erişci made his speeches at the white coat ceremony. Erişçi stated that "When we look at what we have done in audiology, this year is the 100th anniversary of the republic. We are celebrating the anniversary, but this year is also the 55th anniversary of the establishment of audiology. Anniversary. Audiology was established in Türkiye 55 years ago. How far we have come in 55 years. When starting something, they say start like a Turk and finish like a British, you know, we started like a Turk, we finished like a Turk and we set an example for the whole world. Be sure to follow the technological advancement in audiology, and your learning process actually starts after that. Therefore, be sure to read as much as possible and follow the technology."

A visual show with balloons...

The White Coat Ceremony of the First Audiologists of the 2nd Century of the Republic, where balloons were released from the auditorium balcony, ended after a group photo shoot.

Reporter- Photograph: Eda Nur Keçeci

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)