Prof. Deniz Ülke Arıboğan: "The Israeli administration may find the opportunity it has been seeking for a long time"

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Commenting on the Palestinian-Israeli tension, Prof. Deniz Ülke Arıboğan stated that the Hamas attack was not (in essence) aimed at protecting or rescuing the Palestinian people or punishing Israel, but at changing the order. Prof. Dr. Arıboğan said that "The Israeli administration may find the opportunity it has been seeking for a long time because it has obtained new gains with every attack since its establishment" and pointed out that this attack could set the stage for a war environment that covers the entire region by placing Iran as the target over time.

Dean of Üsküdar University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Political Sciences and International Relations Prof. Deniz Ülke Arıboğan evaluated the Palestinian-Israeli tension.

A superpolitical act...

Prof. Deniz Ülke Arıboğan stated that "The Hamas attack is not only a terrorist act with a very high capacity for violence and destruction; on the contrary, it is a 'superpolitical' action that can trigger very important global strategic changes," and shared her analyses that highlight assumptions.

Terrorist organizations are also used as a subcontractor

Noting that all organizations engaged in terrorism without exception are also used as subcontractors, Prof. Deniz Ülke Arıboğan continued her remarks as follows: "All of them, especially in their leadership staff, have members of different intelligence agencies. While the ordinary terrorist thinks that they are protecting their people and ideology against the enemy, the staff who make the decisions have short-term and long-term goals and bargains such as protecting their own positions, the organization's legal and illegal sources of income, changing international alliance systems, and their brand and image. That is why all of them are in fact somehow connected in some way with the state mechanisms and its rotten units that they claim to be fighting against. In other words, what is visible from the outside and what is declared to the outside are very different from the structure inside."

The 9/11 attacks allowed global defense spending to rise to $2.2 trillion

Political scientist Prof. Deniz Ülke Arıboğan also said the following about the structure of terrorist organizations: "As terrorist organizations intensify their actions, they securitize the mental environment, shape the public opinion in a security-centered manner and legitimize the repressive measures taken or to be taken by the central authorities. If there is an organization that uses violence, there will naturally be a counter-violent security mechanism. Securitized processes determine the distribution of economic resources, the relationship between the individual and the state, political priorities, and voter behavior. The September 11 attacks allowed global defense spending to rise from $750 billion to $2.2 trillion today. Al-Qaeda and ISIS have provided an opportunity that the US's powerful military-industrial complex in particular has been seeking."

Who will benefit from Hamas' attack?

Commenting on Hamas' attack, Prof. Deniz Ülke Arıboğan said that "The September 11 attack was not aimed at punishing the United States, but at changing the global order, and it succeeded. The Hamas offensive is not (essentially) aimed at protecting or rescuing the Palestinian people or punishing Israel. It is aimed at changing the layout. It can also provide legitimacy for the complete evacuation of Gaza by legitimizing the much heavier damage to the Palestinian people. The Israeli government may find the opportunity it has been seeking for a long time because it has obtained new gains with every attack since its establishment.

Moreover, the impact of an attack of this scale does not stop there. Israel, which acts independently from the United States in the Middle East, cuts the trend of détente and understanding between the Gulf and Iran. It reduces the effectiveness of Türkiye and Azerbaijan, which support this détente and make serious progress in the region on their own initiatives. By being stuck between Israel and Hamas, it could drive a wedge between the two countries. In this respect, it is important for the two countries to produce policies together

The attack could pave the way for a war environment that covers the entire region

Over time, this attack may target Iran and pave the way for a war environment that covers the entire region. The issue of Iran has been being prepared for quite some time, so caution is essential."

Israel's 9/11...

Prof. Deniz Ülke Arıboğan concluded her remarks by asking the following questions: "A question: Why did that deeply analytical mass, who believe that the United States organized the September 11 attack on its own and think that the United States intervened directly in Afghanistan and Iraq and indirectly by establishing bases in some surrounding geographies, prefer to perceive Israel's September 11 as so 'non-conspiratorial'? Why did they choose to ignore the scale of Israel's response and the damage it could do to the Palestinian cause? If there was a conspiracy there, why is it assumed that there is no conspiracy here?"


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)