A cooperation protocol was signed with ASTER Textile in Plant Biotechnology

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.42438

A cooperation protocol was signed between Üsküdar University and ASTER Textile. The protocol, which covers industry cooperation in the field of Plant Biotechnology, was signed between President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan and ASTER Textile Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Manager İsmail Koçali.

The protocol signing ceremony held at Üsküdar University Main Campus Senate Hall was attended by President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, Üsküdar University Vice Rector Prof. Muhsin Konuk, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Molecular Biology and Genetics Assist. Prof. Cihan Taştan, Secretary General Selçuk Uysaler and ARGEYEP (R&D and Innovation Policies Directorate) Project Manager Meltem Bayraktar.

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "We have taken a concrete step"

Expressing his thoughts on the cooperation protocol, President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said that "Vocational training is only one of the four main tasks of the university. The second is to do research, that is, R&D. Another is to inform the community. The fourth is to ensure that information turns into a product. The information produced here is not published or not, but turned into a product in cooperation with the industry. Research and development is an ecosystem, and there is no R&D only with the ecosystem of the university without an industrial ecosystem. For this reason, this vision all over the world is always established in technology transfer offices. The main purpose of transfer offices is technology industry transfer. We have taken a concrete step in this regard."

Assist. Prof. Cihan Taştan: "This is a first in Türkiye"

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Molecular Biology and Genetics Assist. Prof. Cihan Taştan; "In this process, we discussed the issues that Aster may need in the industry or industrial environment as problems. Among these problems, perhaps Türkiye has the opportunity to develop a project that can have an added value of millions of dollars, which is a first in Türkiye. Especially in such a field of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, it will be a really striking university-industry cooperation project."

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)