Don’t say “They are just babies...”!

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Pointing out that more than 80% of brain development occurs in the first 3 years of life, experts highlights the importance of increasing the schooling rates of all children and access to quality preschool education for children under the age of 5. Department of Child Development Assist. Prof. Demet Gülaldı emphasizes that it is important for children to be introduced to books at an early age for school success and early literacy skills. Stating that even holding a book in infancy is a preparation for school, Gülaldı defines infancy as an important period in which knowledge and skills are acquired.

80% of brain development occurs in the first 3 years...

Stating that more than 80 percent of brain development occurs in the first 3 years of life and that the experiences in this period significantly affect the development of the brain. Prof. Demet Gülaldı emphasized that one of the best ways for parents and caregivers to support the development of children in these precious years of life is to read books together.

Even holding a book in infancy prepares the child for school...

Stating that reading books and meeting books offer language-rich experiences to children from infancy, Asst. Prof. Demet Gülaldı stated that "Language-rich interactions help children develop communication skills and positive social relationships, parent-child communication, academic success, and support early literacy. All of these skills are critical to success in school and in life. Even the simple act of holding a book supports school readiness from infancy.".

They also gain skills to understand and express emotions

Explaining that among the 2030 Sustainable Development goals published by the United Nations, there is the fact that children under the age of 5 have access to quality pre-school education and increasing the schooling rate of all children, Prof. Demet Gülaldı, continued her remarks as follows:

"For this purpose, it is recommended that children should be introduced to books at an early age, for their success in school and early literacy skills. Early literacy is defined as a developmental process that starts from infancy and in which knowledge and skills related to literacy are acquired. Children who are introduced to the book at an early stage gain skills such as pretending to read, understanding the direction of writing, grammar and phonological awareness, listening, understanding and telling stories, empathizing, understanding emotions, and expressing emotions."

A book suitable for the child should be chosen

Assist. Prof. Demet Gülaldı also said that attention should be paid to the books that are suitable for the child's developmental level and will attract the attention of the child, while recommending parents to read books with their children.

Noting that books that are not suitable for their developmental level will not attract the attention of children, and reading the book, which is expected to be fun and educational, can turn into a boring situation, Prof. Demet Gülaldı, also noted the following statements:

"Today, children's books are available in a wide range of content such as stories, poems, fairy tales, puzzles, exercises, thick cards, plastic, fabric, full of pictures, moving, books for behavior and emotions, educational, entertaining, creative and almost starting from infancy."

How should the selection of books be according to age?

Assist. Prof. Demet Gülaldı, also listed how the selection of books should be according to age as follows:

"From infancy, children can be shown picture cards in the visual field and their first acquaintance with books can be ensured. Pictures should be simple instead of being complicated. Vivid and contrasting colors attract the baby's attention. Since babies and children between the ages of 6 and 18 months are busy exploring the environment during this period, they see books as toys and show exploration behaviors by throwing them on the ground, hitting them, taking them in their mouths. Therefore, books of small sizes made of thick cards or fabrics of different textures are recommended for babies. During this period, instead of audiobooks, books that read fairy tales and sing, it is recommended that the adult read books with songs and rhymes in a way that the the adult uses their facial expressions and different tones of voice. After 24-36 months, children begin to gain skills such as recognizing, showing and interpreting pictures in books. In this period, stories with a lot of pictures on a larger scale would be very interesting."

Overdoing it can cause the child lack of other learning opportunities

On the other hand, Assist. Prof. Demet Gülaldı emphasized that in the following years, attention should be paid to the fact that their content is compatible with the child's world, that it is in accordance with cultural, universal and moral values, that it is understandable in terms of language, that it has a rich language structure and proper expressions when choosing books for children's interests and skills.

Noting that knowing the child's area of interest is important in choosing a book, Asst. Prof. Demet Gülaldı stated that "Allowing the child to participate in the book selection process allows the child to have more of their own interests and preferences. Going book shopping together can help your child get involved in book selection."

Stating that overdoing and putting pressure on reading books can lead to some negative situations, Assist. Prof. Demet Gülaldı said that "Although reading books is an extremely beneficial habit for children's language development, thinking skills, imagination and general knowledge, it should be balanced with other activities. Otherwise, reading books all the time may deprive the child of social interactions, physical activities, or other learning opportunities."


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)