Individual measures to fight with the global water crisis can be a savior

Haber ile ilişkili SDG etiketleri


Environmental Health Expert and Üsküdar University Vocational School of Health Services Assistant Professor Ahmet Adil stated that Türkiye is experiencing a serious drought and that a significant amount of water can be saved with individual measures.

In the sixth part of the AA's dossier on "water", saving methods that can be applied for more efficient use of water resources were discussed.

  • Climate change drives countries into water stress
  • With production planning and drought-resistant seed, water will be used more efficiently
  • Drought and groundwater use increase the formation of sink-holes,
  • The use of water in textiles is increasing with the rapid fashion trend
  • Drying wetlands threaten Türkiye's water existence, biodiversity

There has been a great loss of water resources in recent years due to factors such as global warming, climate change, rapid population growth and urbanization. Water-rich countries are turning into water-stressed countries every day, and water-stressed countries are turning into water poor countries.

According to the 2022 Annual Report of the General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works of Türkiye, which has a total water potential of 112 billion cubic meters, uses 57 billion cubic meters of this water asset, 77 percent of which is for agricultural irrigation, 12 percent for individual consumption and 11 percent for industrial activities.

According to the data of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, while the per capita water usage in Türkiye in 2021 was measured as 146 liters per day, 93 liters of water was wasted in domestic use, which corresponds to about 5 water cooler bottles per person.

While correct water management policies are of great importance in industry, textile and food industry, especially in the agricultural sector where water is used the most in Türkiye, it is possible to save money by taking simple measures in individual uses.

Answering the questions of the AA correspondent, Environmental Health Expert Dr. Ahmet Adiller explained the water saving measures that can be taken both in different sectors and in everyday life.

"We are a country experiencing water stress"

Stating that the deterioration in rainfall patterns due to climate change and global warming causes decreases in the amount and potential of water, Adiller stated that from a hydrological point of view, reservoir management should be considered as a whole, and in this context, it is possible to use water more efficiently with the right policies to be applied in different areas such as soil, living being, vegetation, industry, agriculture, livestock and human needs.

Adil continued his remarks as follows: "Not only water, but everything that depends on the water in the region where water is formed and used needs to be managed correctly. Both the quantity and quality of water must be protected. This is one of the main problems we experience in many regions. When we look at our country, we do not have a very high-water potential and we are a country experiencing water stress. At the same time, some of our water resources face heavy pollution loads. For the correct management of water, agriculture, industry, animal husbandry and human activities all need to be planned correctly from a single source."

Pointing out that waste water in industrial activities can be treated and reused, and that water can be saved by switching to modern irrigation methods instead of traditional habits in agriculture, Adiller emphasized that these processes should be dictated to consumers by laws and regulations.

Warning that countries are divided into 3 categories as "water rich", "water stressed" and "water poor" in terms of water resources, and that Türkiye has been on its way to becoming a water-poor country by being included in the class of countries experiencing water stress since the 2000s, Adiller stated that "When we look at the Middle East and Mediterranean reservoir we are in, we are in a region that is very seriously affected by climate change. We are experiencing a severe drought and what we have experienced this year is an indication of what we will experience in the coming years."

Stating that the measures to reduce carbon emissions are not enough, and that both drought and flood disasters are experienced at the same time due to global warming and climate change, Adiller predicted that if the protection of both the quantity and quality of water is not started today with the right planning, water wars may break out in the future.

Precautions that can be taken in everyday life

Commenting that individual savings can have great effects, Adiller listed the water saving measures that can be applied in everyday life as follows:

"One tap consumes about 10-15 liters of water per minute. If you wet the brush and leave the tap on during 2 minutes of tooth brushing, you lose 20-30 liters of water, and a family that does this in the morning and evening will spend 50 to 100 liters of water. Water consumption in dishwashers ranges from about 7 to 14 liters. Choosing models that consume little water can save thousands of liters of water per year. A similar situation applies to washing machines. Moreover, fully operating washing machines and dishwashers will reduce the number of uses. Considering that a standard washing machine consumes between 40-80 liters of water with 1 less laundry per week, it will save a minimum of 2 thousand liters of water per year. It is also known that water-saving taps consume approximately 40-50 percent less water. Considering these rates, thousands of liters of water can be saved annually with the use of saving taps. What one person can do is underestimated, but we have a population of over 80 million. If you save one liter, 80 million liters of water will be saved with mass participation."

Anadolu Ajansı


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)