New World wants ‘engineers who are sensitive to the environment’!

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While the marathon of university preferences of candidates continued, Üsküdar University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Dean Prof. Osman Çerezci explained the engineering discipline that leads technological and industrial developments. Stating that environmentally sensitive technologies should be developed to cope with global problems such as increasing population, energy need and climate change, Çerezci said that "The new world is waiting for engineers who are sensitive to the environment and have the ability to adapt to sustainability and digitalization."

Digitalization and artificial intelligence technologies play an important role to increase productivity in the industry and to ensure the development of new generation products and services. Engineering, which is an important discipline that leads technological and industrial developments, is often preferred by young people because it will ensure that future innovations and solutions are strengthened and advanced. Üsküdar University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Dean Prof. Osman Çerezci stated that the tendency of young people to study engineering and genetics will provide significant progress in these areas. Çerezci said that "The new world is waiting for engineers who are sensitive to the environment and have the skills to adapt to sustainability and digitalization. In order to cope with global problems such as increasing population, energy need and climate change, the fact that engineers are equipped with the knowledge and competencies for these areas for implementation of successful and effective projects."
Çerezci evaluated the tendency to prefer the field of engineering and genetics as follows:

"Engineers should carry out multidisciplinary studies"

"The trend in the field of genetics will lead to significant advances in areas such as agriculture, health, and biotechnology. I believe that the interest in these areas can produce more effective and sustainable solutions for the problem that may arise in the future. Today, rapid changes in technology and digitalization processes require engineers to carry out multidisciplinary work."

Engineering education has changed shape

Pointing out that instead of focusing only on technical knowledge in the field of engineering, students should also develop skills such as problem solving, using information, communication and teamwork, Çerezci said that "Giving importance to social sciences and ethical issues during engineering education will enable more sensitive and sustainable solutions to social problems. In our faculty, there are departments of Forensic Sciences, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Bioengineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Molecular Biology and Genetics. As a result of the opportunity for departments to take courses from other departments, we offer a very rich list of elective courses and curricula. Our educational curricula in our engineering departments are designed in accordance with current technologies and industry needs. Moreover, we enable students to reinforce their theoretical knowledge with practical applications thanks to laboratory studies and project-based learning opportunities.".

"We have integrated technology into our educational processes"

Stating that digitalization and artificial intelligence technologies offer significant contributions in the field of education and profession, Çerezci said that "Thanks to online learning platforms, virtual laboratories and simulations in education, students are enabled to learn more effectively. Students can be offered different educational opportunities with artificial intelligence-supported learning methods. We plan to integrate these technologies into our educational processes and contribute to our students' learning more efficiently.".

It became difficult to be an engineer...

Noting that the engineering discipline is becoming increasingly complex today, Çerezci said that "Rapid advances and diversity in technology mean that engineers need to constantly stay up-to-date and have a wider range of knowledge. Therefore, it has become more difficult to become an engineer compared to the past. However, access to information has become easier and working methods have improved thanks to digitalization and communication technologies. Thus, engineering education and practice has become easier with specialization and joint work in certain areas.". Stating that the graduates of
Üsküdar University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences graduate with an interdisciplinary perspective, mastered the current technologies, equipped with practical skills and developed communication skills, and that the internships they did helped the students gain experience in various companies, Çerezci also listed the job areas of the graduates as follows:

There are many employment opportunities...

"Our graduates are employed in many fields of engineering such as software development companies, information technologies, game and mobile application sector, health, energy, electronics, industry, chemistry, biomedical and genetic studies, and production management. We can also have entrepreneurial graduates with leadership skills and project management competencies."

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)