Farabi 870-951


Al-Farabi, or Alpharabius as he is known in the West, was a famous philosopher, astronomer, logician, musician and scientist who lived in the 19th century called the Golden Age of Islam. Who is Al-Farabi? What are his works, what are his contributions to science?

Who is Al-Farabi?

Information about Farabi's life and education is very important. He is one of the most important philosophers of the Islamic world. The contributions of Al-Farabi, who lived in the 9th century, to science are very important. With his works and thoughts, he left a profound impact on the fields of philosophy, science, and education.

What are Al-Farabi's Contributions to Science?

Al-Farabi studied Aristotle's works intensively and introduced them to the Arab world; thus, he contributed to spreading Aristotle's philosophical thoughts in Islamic philosophy. He has done important work in many fields such as mathematics, logic, music and physics. His works, especially in the field of logic, have been an important source of reference in the West for many years.

What are Al-Farabi's Works?

Among Farabi's important works are "Al-Madinat al-Fazıla" (The Perfect City), "Al-Makalat" (Articles), "Al-Ihsa al-Ulum" (Abbreviation of Sciences). These works contain in-depth studies on science, politics, and education, as well as philosophical reflections.

Al-Farabi's contributions to science were not limited to philosophy. He also works in the fields of music and medicine. His works brought new expansions to the world of science and had a great impact on his time.