EBU BEKİR RÂZÎ 865 – 925
Persian alchemist, chemist, physician and philosopher. He was born in the city of Rey. He completed his studies in Baghdad and other Islamic cities after studying philosophy, mathematics, natural sciences and astronomy. He made important contributions to the branches of pharmacy, alchemy, music and philosophy. He is known as the father of Pediatrics. In addition, he was accepted as the authority on ophthalmology. He found alcohol as well as kerosene and discovered that smallpox was different from measles. Most of the works of Razi, who worked as chief physician in Rey and Baghdad hospitals, were translated into Latin. He had close to two hundred works. Some of those works were Al-Hâvî, a medical encyclopedia, which has been translated into 11 languages in fifteen years and has identified the functions of chemical compounds and alloys. Kitâbü'l-Esrâr was translated into Turkish as Iqbal and the Symptoms of Reaching the State. Article fi emârâti'l-ikbal ve'd -Tevle, Tıbbü'l-Manşûrî, which included topics related to the theory and practice of medicine.