Early childhood development was discussed...

Prof. Dr. Nurper Ulkuer, Head of the Department of Child Development at Uskudar University Faculty of Health Sciences, attended the International Congress titled "From Science to Politics" organized by the Platform of NGOs for Early Childhood Development. Ulkuer, who made assessments about early childhood development and studies, said; “Today we are here with many participants from different sectors and institutions who are committed to this issue, which is about giving our children the best start. It gives us excitement and hope, but we know we're just at the beginning. We hope that the results from this will be a road map for us..”

“Development is the most fundamental right of children”

Prof. Dr. Nurper Ulkuer, who noted that programs supporting early childhood development will reduce the effects of poverty on children and family, continued; “Since the beginning of the 21st century, scientific research, published and has clearly stated that early childhood studies have the basis of human development. We have set the name of our first session as “From Science to Politics”. We are aware of the fact that the cost for governments is the investment made to early childhood development, which is the highest recycling. It is emphasized that early childhood development is an equalizer in eliminating inequalities in health among the social indicators of the health organization prepared. Early childhood development has entered the plans of the World Health Organization. The importance of all things is the most fundamental right of children. However, we know that there are problems in access to quality early childhood development in many countries of the world and Turkey today. The group that should benefit from the services offered first are those who care for disadvantaged young children. However, this group does not benefit from the service to the extent that it needs it.


Üsküdar Haber Ajansı (ÜHA)