Uskudar University Begins Cadaver Trainings in Medicine

Uskudar University Faculty of Medicine, Head of Anatomy Department Prof. Dr. Ahmet Usta started cadaver examinations with second-year medical students. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Usta underlined that cadaver education is a must in medical schools and said, “Being a doctor means healing people related diseases. So your material is human. If you do not know the nature of what you are working on, you will not know or understand how to treat it as well. So if what we are working on is the human being, it is the job of anatomy to teach its structure."

“New cadavers are required for medical schools every year”

Stating that medical faculties need to buy new cadavers every year, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Usta stated; "According to the definition of YÖK (Higher Education Board), every thirty students should have one cadaver. They don't allow opening without two cadavers anyway. At the very beginning, we bought three, not two, cadavers. I opened one because half of the students came to the training face-to-face, the other half will come to them in summer I’m planning. But we can open the second one as needed because we have three cadavers.”


Üsküdar Haber Ajansı (ÜHA)