Prof. Selim Şeker Evaluated 5G Technology from Every Perspective

Head of the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department Prof. Selim Şeker evaluated the impact of 5G technology on health and security and stated that “The human body is also an electromagnetic system. Just as devices affect each other, the human body is also affected by electromagnetic waves in its surroundings.”

Prof. Selim Şeker noted that “With 5G technology, billions of devices will be connected to the Internet. All systems will be integrated. Therefore, someone from anywhere in the world, a person you have never met, could send you malicious messages or launch digital attacks.”


Prof. Selim Şeker, Head of the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department at Üsküdar University, assessed the impact of 5G technology on health and security.

Non-Ionizing radiation can lead to serious health issues in the long run

Explaining that radiation is divided into nuclear radiation and non-ionizing radiation, Prof. Selim Şeker stated that nuclear radiation has very high energy and can be instantly lethal upon contact with the human body, while non-ionizing radiation, due to its lower energy level, does not directly disrupt cell structure but can cause serious health issues in the long run.

5G technology uses a multiple antenna system

Prof. Selim Şeker emphasized that 5G is not just a phone but a platform and explained that “While 4G phones have a single antenna, 5G technology uses a multiple antenna system (Multiple In, Multiple Out - MIMO). This system is developed not only for phones but also to connect all electronic devices worldwide. The most significant difference of 5G is that it emits a much higher level of radiation due to the use of more antennas. The power at which mobile phones will operate or the power of base stations in 5G has not been officially announced. For example, in 4G, the power of a mobile phone is set at 1 W, while in 3G, it is 2 W. However, in 5G, this value is expected to be 10 W or more. Similarly, while current base stations operate at 50-100 W, it is claimed that 5G base stations could reach up to 500 W. The Information and Communication Technologies Authority (BTK) has a detailed book on 5G, and research on domestic production of 5G is ongoing at universities.”

The World Health Organization has acknowledged the harm of electromagnetic fields

Stating that all electromagnetic radiation and electromagnetic fields are fundamentally considered radiation, Prof. Selim Şeker continued his remarks as follows:

“However, not all electromagnetic fields in our environment can be directly classified as radiation. Radiation must be emitted from a source, such as base stations or electronic devices. Scientists agree that electromagnetic radiation and electromagnetic fields at all frequencies have biological effects. These effects are divided into thermal and non-thermal effects. Thermal effects can be explained as follows: When the human body's temperature increases by one degree, the thermal regulatory system activates, and harmful effects on biological structures begin to emerge. This has been medically proven and is universally accepted. Electrical engineers set safety standards to prevent electromagnetic radiation from reaching this thermal threshold. There are some variations in implementation, but an important fact remains: In 2001 and 2011, the World Health Organization officially recognized the biological harm of electromagnetic fields and classified them as a risk.”

The human body is also an electromagnetic system!

Prof. Selim Şeker pointed out that the World Economic Forum listed "Electromagnetic radiation poses serious long-term health risks to humans" as one of the greatest dangers facing the world. Şeker stated that “Cancer rates have increased. In the past, there were almost no 15-year-olds with heart conditions, but today, the number of young people experiencing severe health problems is rapidly rising. One of the main reasons for this is the changing environmental factors and the widespread presence of electromagnetic fields. The human body is also an electromagnetic system. Just as devices affect each other, the human body is influenced by electromagnetic waves in its environment. To study this subject, a scientific field called Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) has been developed.”

Electromagnetic radiation causes genetic damage by breaking human DNA

Noting that 12 different studies were conducted in seven countries in Europe with a total expenditure of approximately 3 million euros, Prof. Selim Şeker stated that “These studies revealed that electromagnetic radiation causes genetic damage by breaking human DNA. Reports prepared by experts from the United States, Russia, and European countries indicate that electromagnetic fields harm human health, weaken the immune system, negatively affect sexual health, and have serious effects on the heart and brain.”

Explaining that the report analyzed scientific publications worldwide, Prof. Selim Şeker added that “Studies on 5G technology, in particular, have shown that electromagnetic radiation may be linked to cancer in the long term.”

Personal privacy is at risk with 5g!

Emphasizing the cybersecurity risks of 5G, Prof. Selim Şeker continued his remarks as follows:
“This is the major expected danger of 5G. First of all, with 5G technology, billions of devices will be connected to the internet. All systems will become integrated. Thus, someone from anywhere in the world, a person you have never met, could send you malicious messages or launch digital attacks. Because all devices will be connected to each other. The implantation of chips in people may come up as a topic of discussion. Some individuals have already had chips implanted. If all people are connected through a system, a central authority could control everyone's movements. 5G technology makes this possible. This is why personal privacy is at risk. Accessing bank accounts, obtaining personal data, or breaking passwords may become easier. With the integration of security cameras, even the interiors of homes could be monitored. One person could easily track where another person lives and what they are doing. This points to a scenario where privacy could be completely eliminated.”

What are the benefits of 5g technology?

Stating that 5G technology also has benefits, Prof. Selim Şeker noted that “Connection speed will increase incredibly, and capacity will be much broader. Faster internet, better connections, and technological advancements will be achieved. However, along with these benefits, there are also significant security and privacy risks.”

The call for 5g to be halted until it is proven harmless to human health

Highlighting that 5G eliminates the concept of privacy, Prof. Selim Şeker stated that “With 5G, everything will be interconnected. Of course, security measures should be taken against this. That is why, although 5G was planned to be implemented in 2020, it was postponed to 2025. Why was it postponed? Because there wasn’t enough research on its effects on health. Currently, many scientists worldwide have appealed to the United Nations, requesting that 5G be halted until it is proven harmless to human health. Similarly, the European Union has been warned about this issue.”

There is an alternative to 5g that provides high-speed internet: fiber optic systems…

Since 5G uses millimeter waves, its frequency is very high, meaning its range is quite limited. Prof. Selim Şeker explained that “That is why satellite systems are being introduced to ensure uninterrupted 5G coverage everywhere.”

Emphasizing that even streetlights in cities are being equipped with base stations as part of this system, Şeker concluded his remarks as follows: “This creates a massive economic market. It is estimated that this sector alone will generate over 10 trillion dollars. However, is there an alternative to this technology? Yes, there is. A solution that can provide high-speed internet without 5G exists: Fiber optic systems. Fiber optic technology was discovered years ago and remains one of the most reliable internet infrastructures. With fiber, seamless, high-speed connectivity can be achieved without channel limitations in data transmission.”

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)