Audiology Students Visit TÜBİTAK National Metrology Institute

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Second-year students from the Audiology Department of Üsküdar University’s Faculty of Health Sciences organized a technical visit to the TÜBİTAK National Metrology Institute. During the visit, the students explored the audiology laboratories at the National Metrology Institute, gaining comprehensive knowledge thanks to the technical tour.

The TÜBİTAK organization, which ensures the regulation of measurements conducted in our country and guarantees traceability through international standards, hosted the audiology students from Üsküdar University.

The visit took place under the leadership of Lecturer Gökçe Gültekin and Research Assistant Busemnaz Avşar Aksu from the Audiology Department of the Faculty of Health Sciences.

The students were welcomed by Uğur Akkaya, the Corporate Communications and Promotion Unit Manager, and Oktay Yağcı, the Corporate Communications Specialist at the International Metrology Institute.

As part of the visit, the International Metrology Institute gave a presentation to the students, providing detailed information. Students had the opportunity to explore the Anechoic Chamber and the Reverberation Room in the Acoustics Laboratory, accompanied by Dr. Cafer Kırbaş, a laboratory staff member of the National Metrology Institute.

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)