"8th International Congress on Creation in the Light of Science" at Üsküdar University!

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.57184

Üsküdar University is hosting the "8th International Congress on Creation in the Light of Sciences", organized in cooperation with TÜBİTAK with the main theme of "Holistic Approach to Creation" between October 24-26, 2024.

Congress President Prof. Hikmet Koçak stated that "I think that the congress will open new horizons for young people and future scientists."

Honorary President of the Congress and President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that "We cannot unravel the secrets of the universe with the five senses. Neuroquantology tries to explain what the theory of evolution cannot explain. And this leads to the faith of monotheism." Tarhan also pointed out that Allah can see with the mind's eye, not the eyes on your head.

Prof. İsmail Hakkı Aydın: "When a person dies, he physically passes into another dimension."

Thomas J. Plevyak stated that "The emotions and information in our lives are too important to be thrown away. We think that the consciousness of humanity will be transferred to the next life by many individual individuals."

Prof. Arif Ali Nayed stated that "All the fine adjustments in the universe are not a coincidence but point out to us that there is a ruler."

Üsküdar University is hosting the "8th International Congress on Creation in the Light of Science", organized in cooperation with TÜBİTAK with the main theme of "Holistic Approach to Creation" between October 24-26, 2024. The opening of the congress was held at Üsküdar University NP Health Campus İbni Sina Auditorium.

Prof. Hikmet Koçak: "I think it will open new horizons for future scientists."

Speaking at the opening session of the congress, which will continue with 3 days of simultaneous sessions, Congress President and Üsküdar University Vice Rector Prof. Hikmet Koçak expressed that "I think that the congress will open new horizons for young people and future scientists."

Stating that human beings are investigating when the universe was created and when man was created, Prof. Hikmet Koçak said that research shows that there is a creator who created all these.

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "Ideas that break the mold will emerge"

Honorary President of the Congress and President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, who has participated in all congresses held so far, said that "There will be groundbreaking issues and discussions on many topics here. Ideas that break the mold will emerge" in his opening speech titled "Spinoza's Fallacy, The Evolution of Evolution".

Referring to Maslow's pyramid of needs, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that "At the top of this pyramid is self-realization, self-transcendence, and working for others. Man is not a being who thinks only of themselves. They think about other people too. Human beings also have spiritual needs. They think about them too. This issue has always been neglected in the past."

"If there is tawheed, only the creation in the universe will fall into place"

Listing the paths that lead people to the truth as physical mind, intuitive mind and semantic mind, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that "There are 4,300 religions. All of these religions say they are true. One of them has to be in accordance with the logical framework, the reason. Rational belief, rational belief, monotheistic belief. If there is tawheed, only the creation in the universe will fall into place." Pointing out that consciousness studies are the studies that confuse people the most at the moment, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said that there are studies on the fact that death is not the end of human life and said that "Death is the end. Everything ends in this world." He noted that his thinking is a fallacy of science.

"We see God not with the eyes of the head, but with the eyes of the mind..."

Emphasizing that Spinoza's philosophy has changed with today's scientific approach, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that "When we say Spinoza's fallacy, it is that Spinoza deifies nature. He is the one who came up with the idea that 'nature created nature, and nature is god'. If Spinoza lived in today's world, he would most likely adopt scientific rationalism and rewrite it according to the rules of fuzzy logic. His admiration for the workings of nature and his search for meaning in order would be further strengthened by modern science."

Pointing to the creation of the universe and human beings, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said that "We understand through reasoning methods that the universe and human beings were created in mathematical equilibrium, in mathematical harmony, and that this was created only by a high will, a high power, an invisible will, and the creator. In other words, our mind tells us, 'Yes, this can only be by a creator'. We do not have to see it. We see God through the methods of reasoning and the eyes of reason. We cannot see it with our heads."

"Man is the only being who can find God"

Referring to his approach as "If bees disappear, the world will disappear in 50 years, and if humans disappear, the world will be much more beautiful in 50 years,” Prof. Tarhan said that "It means that human beings are not the product of this world. Human beings came later. They have abstract thinking, conceptual thinking, and symbolic thinking, in other words, since all these characteristics are in human beings, man is the only being who can find God."

Stating that neuroquantum rejects evolution, Prof. Tarhan stated that "We cannot unravel the secrets of the universe with the five senses. Neuroquantology tries to explain what the theory of evolution cannot explain. And this leads to his faith in monotheism."

Prof. İsmail Hakkı Aydın: "When a person dies, he physically passes into another dimension"

Prof. İsmail Hakkı Aydın made a speech titled "I Started from Stem Cells ", pointing out that it is necessary to break the mold and said that "It is already broken. Death does not exist anyway. God sent us to disrupt death. Biologically, death is the transfer of nucleotides to another form of amino acids. Moving into the ground. Even memory is now moving to the ground. When a person dies, one physically passes into another dimension. Because we do not exist. There is no such thing as an entity. We are in the statue of nothing."

“The transfer of consciousness to the hereafter..."

Thomas J. Plevyak, who attended the congress via Zoom from the USA and made a presentation on "Creation and the Afterlife Instincts and the Transfer of Consciousness to the Hereafter", stated that billions of people believe in a creation and that existence will continue after life ends, and that this belief triggers scientific interest.

Stating that people's emotions accumulate in this world over time, Thomas J. Plevyak stated that some scientific studies have shown that consciousness is carried to the other life, and in this context, the continuity of the consciousness of all people who have lived in the world is in question. Pointing to the studies carried out with neuroimaging and other technologies on the transfer of consciousness to the hereafter, Pleviak said that "The emotions and information in our lives are too important to be thrown away. We think that consciousness will develop in the next life and that the consciousness of humanity will be transferred to the next life by many individual individuals."

"The Universe as a Divine Signifier"

Libyan Islamic scholar Prof. Arif Ali Nayed also delivered a speech on "The Universe as a Divine Signifier".

Prof. Arif Ali Nayed pointed out that the world should not be interpreted only from a scientific point of view and said that "Etiology reminds us of the fact that the universe is a blessing to us. As Muslims, when we look at the world, we need to see the design and the designer who designed the universe. We need a more otherworldly cosmology."

Referring to the divine order in the universe, Prof. Arif Ali Nayed stated that "All the fine adjustments in the universe indicate to us that there is a ruler, not a coincidence."

In the 3-day congress, 84 presentations will be made in 24 sessions

In the 3-day congress, where there are more than 100 participants from 5 countries, 84 presentations will be made in 24 simultaneous sessions at İbni Sina Auditorium and Emir Nebi 3 Hall.

Among the presentations to be made at the congress are Prof. Muhsin Konuk "Which Evolution?", Prof. Ali Osman Beldüz's "Do Orphaned Genes Support Evolution?", Prof. Adem Dölek's "Attribution of All Creation to Allah According to the Qur'an", Prof. İbrahim Özdemir's "Social Darwinism as the Source of Social Problems", Prof. Sevim Işık "Matter and Life: Molecular Order and the Traces of the Creator", Prof. Türker Tekin Ergüzel, "Optimization Algorithms Inspired by Nature and Neuroscience Applications", Author Adnan Kalkan "The Benefits of Adding the Creation Model to the National Education Curriculum".

The congress, which was broadcast live on the official YouTube channel of ÜÜTV and Üsküdar University, aims to address the issue of creation from a scientific perspective in the fields of science, social, health, engineering, educational sciences and religious sciences. Scientists and researchers are expected to make significant contributions to the academic world and society at the congress, where important topics such as the criticism of the theory of evolution, artificial intelligence and creation will be discussed.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)