Summer schools contribute to children's motor and cognitive development!

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Stating that the summer vacation is a valuable time for children to rest, have fun and continue their development by relieving the tiredness of the busy school period, experts say that going out into nature supports the cognitive and sensory development of children.

Noting that not only academic subjects are included in summer schools, but Child Development Specialist and Instructor also Elif İpek Tutu stated that "Summer schools contribute to the social development of children by supporting their motor and cognitive development and enabling them to be together with their peers."

Üsküdar University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Child Development, Instructor Elif İpek Tutu made various suggestions to parents so that their children can spend their summer vacation productively.

Children can have fun and learn at the same time during the holiday

Stating that parents want to ensure that their children have fun and learn during the holiday period, Instructor Elif İpek Tutu said that "The process of acquiring knowledge and developing is not limited to the school period and within four walls. The process of development and knowledge acquisition always continues as a part of life and areas. Thus, it is of course possible to rest and relieve the tiredness of the school period, to have fun and to ensure learning and development."

Nature walks support motor development

Stating that going out into nature supports children's cognitive and sensory development, Instructor Elif İpek Tutu made the following suggestions to families: "You can go out into nature and touch the soil, stones, leaves, sand and support cognitive development and sensory development by making discoveries. You can also improve your child's motor development with nature walks. Museums and historical sites are also very important areas for development. By going there, you can both provide your child with knowledge and contribute to their social development. Parks are also very important areas for peer communication and social development of children."

They can go to courses such as painting and music

Pointing out that it is possible to spend the summer vacation productively not only outside but also at home, Tutu stated that "Family reading hours, Lego games, symbolic games or board games that vary according to age and development are also beneficial activities for the child and necessary for the social development and integrity of the family. Moreover, summer holidays are a very suitable time for children to focus on the interests that they do not have the opportunity to deal with during the school period. Depending on your child's interests and desires, you can send them to courses in areas such as instruments, painting, music, sports and chess. Therefore, you should listen to your child's wishes and observe their interests very well."

Only academic skills should not be tried to be developed

On the issue of whether children should be sent to summer schools, Instructor Elif İpek Tutu expressed that "Here again, it is very important for the family to determine the deficiencies of their children well. It should not be forgotten that the child has the right to rest and have fun during the summer vacation, and it should not be caused to spend this time unhappy by trying to develop academic skills. By paying attention to all these, the missing issues and the preparation of future issues can be emphasized."

Summer schools help children to have fun and learn at the same time

Noting that summer schools do not only include academic subjects, Tutu continued her remarks as follows:

"There are nature trips, logic-intelligence games such as chess, and various art workshops. These contribute to the social development of the child by supporting developmental areas such as motor and cognitive, as well as by enabling them to coexist with their peers. It allows the child to have fun and learn without getting bored. In addition to these, it also develops a sense of responsibility in the child and ensures that he stays away from technology. For all these reasons, summer schools are certainly beneficial. When sending students to summer school, the quality of the selected school, the teaching staff, and the content of the program should be carefully examined, and the child's opinion should be taken as a basis while doing this. In this way, both the child and the parent will be ready for the new term and will have a fun and productive summer holiday."


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)