Research is on Top Social Media Articles List

The study, published in Bioresource Technology Report with the scientific collaboration of Üsküdar University, NPİSTANBUL Brain Hospital, and Istanbul Technical University, was listed as the most striking article in the Top Social Media Articles category among the 2019-2020 articles on social media.
"Electricity was produced from wastewater!"


In the study titled electricity generation from cannabis metabolites, the realization of electricity production with biofuel cells using wastewater contaminated with hemp metabolites and at the same time bio-recovery was discussed. In the study, electricity was produced from wastewater containing the products of cannabis as the main active ingredient.



In the study, as firstly Üsküdar University Founding President Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan, Molecular Biology and Genetics Department faculty member and PROMER Director Prof. Dr. Tunç Çatal, Molecular Biology and Genetics Department academic staff member Dr. Vildan Enisoğlu Atalay, Director of Personal Treatment Application and Research Center (KİMER) Exp. Selma Özilhan, Exp. Murat Özdemir and Prof.  Dr. Hakan Bermek from Istanbul Technical University took place as researcher.




"It is possible to produce electricity from urine!"




Director of Molecular Biology and Genetics and PROMER Prof. Dr. Tunç Çatal shared the following views on the subject: “The fact that the study was conducted in scientific cooperation with NPİSTANBUL Brain Hospital helped us to reveal original results. Our work continues with the scientific cooperation of NPİSTANBUL Brain Hospital.”



Çatal emphasized that it is possible to generate electricity without the need for any pre-treatment using urine, and with this study, cannabis metabolites that cause damage by mixing with urine can be removed significantly.



Üsküdar Haber Ajansı (ÜHA)