Üsküdar Takes Place in Global COH-FIT Research

Uskudar University represents Turkey in its worldwide COH-FIT study to measure the effects of the global Covid-19 outbreak. The study, conducted by the World Psychiatric Association, the European Institute of Psychopharmacology, the European Psychiatric Association in 112 countries around the world, is carried out by the team headed by Prof. Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz in our country. Prof. Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz noted that 47,000 people from around the world and 1,200 from our country have participated so far in the ongoing study.

The COH-FIT study by the World Psychiatric Association, the European Institute of Psychopharmacology, and the European Psychiatric Association explores the effects of the global Covid-19 outbreak on mental health. More than 200 scientists participated in the study in 112 countries all over the world and is carried out by Uskudar University in our country.

The COH-FIT study, conducted by a team headed by Prof. Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz, Professor of Psychiatry, NPIstanbul Brain Hospital AMATEM Coordinator, and Psychiatry Specialist Prof. Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz, aims to measure how much our mental health is affected during the Coronavirus outbreak.

1,200 people from our country participated

Noting that 47,000 people from around the world and 1200 from our country are currently participating in the worldwide study, Prof. Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz said, "This study aims to investigate the effects of the Coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19), which has been on the agenda of our lives for months, on the physical and mental health of individuals from the age of 7 to 70 from all over the world."

The effects of the waves will be determined

As she also mentioned on the objectives of the COH-FIT study Prof. Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz said, “The aim of this international study is now in the outbreak (the 1st wave), 6 months after the outbreak (the 2nd wave) and 12 months after the outbreak (the 3rd wave), data from children and adolescents, from adults and physical and mental health, in terms of determining risk and protective factors. In this way, we will be able to identify risks for physical and mental health, and build preventive measures and approaches in the current coronavirus epidemic, at its ending and later outbreaks.”

Detailed and comparative analyzes will be held

Noting that the analysis will be carried out within and across all participating countries/regions, regions and continents Prof. Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz said, “The analyzes will also be carried out within and between different age groups (children, adolescents, young, middle-aged or older elderly, elderly) and parent-child / adolescent units. In addition, analyzes will be made within and between individuals living in the same home.

In addition, analyzes will be made of patients with and without, direct or indirect exposure to COVID-19 infection and COVID-19-related death within and between healthcare professionals and non-healthcare workers. Secondary results will include mitigating and aggravating factors to cope with stress and difficulties associated with COVID-19, such as physical health and psychiatric symptoms, specific measures of substance or addiction behavior, as well as compliance with ongoing pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments for medical and psychiatric conditions.”

You can also join the study

Professor Dr. Nesrin Dilbaz stated that anyone who wants to participate in the study can participate in the research from the link below:

To reach the COH-FIT study:

Üsküdar Haber Ajansı (ÜHA)