Announcement Regarding Final Exams

Within the scope of combating coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak; In the Spring Term of 2019-2020 Academic Year, distance education started on Monday, March 23, 2020 in all (associate, undergraduate and graduate) programs of our university.

In this context, the final exams of the courses given; Our university's undergraduate / undergraduate / graduate programs are decided to be carried out in accordance with the Education - Teaching - Exam Regulations and the Procedures and Principles Regarding Distance Education in Higher Education Institutions and we kindly request that our students consider the following principles.

Final exams, multiple choice questions, open-ended questions or homework-projects etc. between 08-21 June 2020. methods will be carried out online.

The exams to be carried out in the form of multiple choice or open-ended questions will be conducted with the LMS system. (Click for information about LMS)

3. The questions are chosen randomly from the question pool, and the order of the questions and options is sent randomly to each student.

4. Exams to be conducted over LMS will be conducted on the day and time specified in the exam calendar. (Click here for information about the online exam program to be conducted over LMS)

Homework-project etc. Correspondence and file sharing related to the final exams to be carried out will be carried out via STIX. In homework and projects, the credit of the relevant course and the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) workload will be taken into consideration and the similarity rates will be checked by the instructor of the course with plagiarism detection programs.

6. The final exams of the Turkish Language II and Atatürk II Principles and History of Revolution II and English II courses given in the Vocational School of Health Services will be held on 22-28 June 2020 in the form of an online exam via LMS.

7. For students who cannot take the exam for reasonable reasons or have technical problems during the exam, the “Make-up Exam” will be held online upon the decision of the Board of Directors of the relevant academic unit.

We wish our students good luck in the 2019-2020 Academic Year Spring Semester final exams.