The lead actor of the movie "Hür Adam" was the guest of RİNAP...

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This week, Mürşid Ağa Bağ, the lead actor of the movie “Hür Adam” (Free Man) which is about the life of Bediüzzaman, was the guest of the 'Rinap Weekly Seminar' program organized by Üsküdar University Risale-i Nur Research Platform (RİNAP). In the program, which also included President of Üsküdar University Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, Tarhan said, "Art provides permanent learning. For this reason, the expression of information and truths through art is the method of this time. Art is the spiritual jihad method of this time."

President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, RINAP Board Members, academicians and many invited guests attended the seminar held in the RİNAP meeting hall.

The guest of the event, Mürşid Ağa Bağ, the lead actor of the movie "Free Man", which is about the life of Bediüzzaman, talked about how his spirituality developed and how he was chosen for this role, and mentioned that the movie Free Man was a turning point for him.

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "Art is the spiritual jihad method of this time"

Pointing out that when art is combined with music, it activates the five senses, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that "Right now, you can announce something to thousands or even millions of people that you would announce to 50 people, thanks to social media. It is the most important area where technology can be used. When you express it through art, perceptions are changed. The most important feature of art is that when you combine it with music, it activates the five senses, it is memorable and permanent. Art provides permanent learning. Therefore, the expression of information and truths through art is the method of this time. Art is the spiritual jihad method of this time."

"We should use art as a method of telling the truth"

Pointing out that there will be no social transformation without mental transformation in a subject, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said that "It is not easy to break a habit. People break a habit by being shaken by fate. A smart person can fix things without being shaken. There is no social transformation without a mental transformation. There is such a change of art in the world right now. If we resist art, we will lose our children. Maybe we will preserve ourselves; however, we will lose the future. Therefore, it is necessary to think in the medium and long term. At this time, the use of art is not a pleasure, but a necessity. We should use art as a method of telling the truth."

"As the ugly consequences of immorality are seen, the search for truth will begin"

Explaining the importance of telling the truth through art, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that "There is a hadith that there will be nights of jihad in the End Time. Jihad says it will be at night. Currently, it is hard to sit up at night and read a book, to chat. When we look at the most watched movies right now, they enter people’s minds and kind of hypnotize people. In other words, they numb people with movies. They make it impossible to show the truth. It has become an instrument of secularization. Therefore, we need to use it not as a tool for secularization, but as a means of finding the truth. We need to make both the world and the afterlife a means of unification. If we set this as the goal, it will be very comfortable because this need has increased in people. Depression has increased, emptiness has increased, and suicides have increased. As the ugly consequences of immorality are seen, the search for truth will begin. The best way to do this is to present it through art...".

"First Morality, then justice"

Stating that there is a moral crisis in the world, Tarhan expressed that "It is necessary to find a solution to the moral crisis. In other words, a film that will correct that moral crisis and give messages would be very good. It is a film about what not lying, being virtuous and being honest will bring to people. They are known as universal values. If they are combined with his life, they can contribute to improving social life. In the End Time, it will be so that people will seek justice like a waterless earth gets water. There can be no justice without good morals. First morality, then justice. Therefore, there is a need for a change that will strengthen moral values."

Mürşid Ağa Bağ: "This film was a turning point for me"

Mürşid Ağa Bağ, the lead actor of the movie "Free Man", which is about the life of Bediuzzaman, stated that "This film was a turning point for me. After the age of 40, I had a spiritual feeling, I had to start being different. I have to fight, and I have to object. Because I was like a prisoner. I was not free. I was starting to feel it. Because our Lord is everywhere and we feel spiritually better, I looked up at the sky and said, 'O Lord, I have come to a crossroads. Either I will fall under the bridge, or I will repent and come close to you,' and I repented by weeping behind him. Over time, I went to our brothers who were praying and started to pray at times. I started not to miss Friday prayers. I started to feel something. One day I got a phone call and they said, 'You need to come urgently, we are sending you a couple of scenes.' They did a test shoot, then they chose me. That is how it started. I was going to read Beddiuzzaman, but I did not understand it. At that time, I got a CD of movies that had already been shot. Beddiuzzaman explains the importance of prayer to those in prison. He says, 'Satan is constantly multiplying things in your future life, in the things of the future. Satan shows you a lot and tries to discourage you from performing the daily prayer. But you do not know when death will come. Death comes between two prayers. Therefore, every prayer you perform is your last prayer." Until then, I was looking for the answer to that last prayer. The answer is understood at that moment.”

Actor Bağ received a signed book gift from Tarhan...

At the end of the program, Tarhan signed his books 'Journey from Mind to Heart' and 'Bediuzzaman: the Conscience of the Age’, which were published by Timaş Publications, to actor Mürşid Ağa Bağ.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)