COP28 Progress or Regression?


An Empirical and Historical Comparative Analysis of COP Summits

Published by Üsküdar University (Istanbul, Turkey) in partnership with the UN-accredited Caribbean ASEAN Council (Roseau, Commonwealth of Dominica)

This report is a joint publication of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Üsküdar University (Istanbul, Turkey) and the Caribbean ASEAN Council (Rosea, Commonwealth of Dominica), with contributors from Turkey, the Commonwealth of Dominica, Nigeria, Kenya, Chad, the Gambia and Bangladesh.

Üsküdar University was founded in 2011 by the Human Values and Mental Health Foundation, a leading nongovernmental charitable organization.

It is Turkey’s first thematic university focused on behavioral sciences and health. Its purpose is to apply scientific, contemporary, and critical perspectives to national and international studies based on human and ethical values.

The Caribbean ASEAN Council is an NGO registered with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs and administered by the Eastern Caribbean-Southeast Asia Economic and Cultural Chamber (EC-SEA Chamber). The latter is recognised by the United Nations as part of the SIDS Global Business Network under the United Nations Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (UN-OHRLLS) It is also an official participant to the UN Global Compact and an Associate Member of the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the UN.

The report, "COP28 Progress or Regression?" is poised to make a substantial and constructive contribution to the discussions and deliberations at COP28 and the broader discourse surrounding climate change.

This report represents a comprehensive analysis of the progress made in tackling climate change since the inception of the COP summits. It will shed light on the successes achieved, the challenges faced, and the areas where improvement is urgently needed. By examining the policies, agreements, and actions taken by nations worldwide, the report aims to provide invaluable insights that can inform the decisions and strategies discussed at COP28.

One of the report's key strengths is its commitment to objectivity. It will objectively evaluate various countries' climate initiatives, highlighting achievements and shortcomings. This balanced approach is essential for fostering productive dialogue and cooperation among nations, as it acknowledges the complexities and nuances of the global climate crisis.

Furthermore, the report will emphasize the importance of evidence-based policymaking. It will use empirical data, historical comparisons, and expert analyses to substantiate its findings and recommendations. This commitment to rigorous research ensures that the report's insights are credible and actionable, serving as a valuable resource for policymakers, researchers, and activists.

In an era where the consequences of climate change are becoming increasingly apparent, the "COP28 Progress or Regression?" report stands as a beacon of hope. Its objective, data-driven approach aims to guide nations toward more effective climate action, ultimately contributing to a sustainable and habitable planet for future generations. As we await its release, we anticipate this report will spark productive discussions, inspire innovative solutions, and drive progress at COP28 and beyond.

COP28 Progress or Regression?


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)