Forensic Sciences students attract attention with their achievements…

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Students who continue their education in Üsküdar University Forensic Sciences Undergraduate and Postgraduate programs carry their success to international arenas. Some of our students, who have been accepted to postgraduation and doctoral programs of many world’s qualified universities, now continue their achievement with private course and trainings.

Üsküdar University grabs attention in Türkiye and international platforms with the education that it provides in the field of forensic sciences. Students show that they are in the level to compete in the labor market with international education and internship opportunities they obtain.

Providing Türkiye’s first Forensic Sciences Underrate education led by Prof. Sevil Atasoy, Üsküdar University carries out important achievements in the field of forensic sciences in international arena.

In the Cape Town Wildlife course…

Forensic Genetics undergraduate Kardelen Karamahmutoğlu continues her education at the 'Forensic Science and Wildlife' course in Cape Town, the capital of South Africa. Karamahmutoğlu, who has the opportunity to examine wild animals closely, experiences a different area.

In Dubai and Malta...

On the other hand, Yusuf Asker continues his education and studies at the 'Forensic Sciences and Criminology Centre' in Dubai, while Forensic Sciences undergraduate continues her education and studies at the 'Floriana Police Criminal' in Malta.

The international success of Üsküdarlı Forensic Sciences students...

The achievements of forensic science students are not limited to this. Graduate School of Addiction and Forensic Sciences Forensic Sciences Doctoral Program student İnci Yağmur Tezbasan was selected as a member of the month by the International Forensic Nurses Association (IAFN) based in the USA and two students from the 4th year of Forensic Sciences were accepted to a 2-week internship at the Sheriff's Department Crime Laboratory in Los Angeles County.

While Üsküdar University draws attention in Türkiye and international platforms with the education it offers in the field of Forensic Sciences, students show that they are equipped to compete in the labor market with the education and internship opportunities they have gained in the international arena.

Prof. Sevil Atasoy: "We are trying to give a vision of the world"

Pointing out that Üsküdar University is in a good position in Türkiye and international platforms in terms of the quality of education offered, Üsküdar University Vice Rector, Director of the Institute of Addiction and Forensic Sciences Prof. Sevil Atasoy stated that they are proud of their students' achievements in the international arena. Atasoy said that "We are trying to give a vision of the world. Other students are also abroad. We have students who are working at Uppsala University in Sweden for their doctoral thesis. We are proud of them.".

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)