First medical student who completed the summer internship in the USA…

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Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine 4th year student Nihal Dülger was admitted to the internship in “University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center”. Completing successfully the internship at the Radiology department, Dülger became the first student among the Faculty of Medicine students who completes the summer internship in the USA.

Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine 4th year student Nihal Dülger completed her internship at the Radiology Department in “University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center” in the USA.

Dülger stated that she was entitled to internship with her CV and reference letter from her professors after she sented about a thousand e-mails.

The success of the 4th year medical student in the USA...

Nihal Dülger, a 4th year medical student, said that she was very happy to be the first Faculty of Medicine student to be entitled to a summer internship in America and abroad. Stating that she gained a lot from the internship she carried out under the Observership in this process, Dülger expressed her contentment with being the first student among the students of Üsküdar Faculty of Medicine to be entitle to a summer internship in America and abroad.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)