An outstanding success from Üsküdar University MBG Department!

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Üsküdar University ranked 12th among universities across Türkiye with its successful studies in the category of 'Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Genetics'. Stating that they were proud to be awarded with the innovative project they executed, Vice Rector Prof. Muhsin stated that they left behind many deep-rooted institutions and that they were dealing with things that some could not imagine.

Prof. Muhsin Konuk: "We attach great importance to student projects"

Stating that student support and teamwork factors are behind Üsküdar University's projects that attract attention worldwide, Konuk said that "As Üsküdar University, we attach great importance to student projects. There are 22-09 A and B projects supported by TÜBİTAK specially to use in graduation projects. Many of our students apply to these competitions and we are accepted to a great extent. In fact, it is a preliminary preparation for our students to start their master's degree. Most of these projects have been published in international journals. As the Vice Rector in charge of R&D and the Founding Head of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics (English) of Üsküdar University, we have achieved success in many areas with the team's support and solidarity under the leadership of Prof. Tunç Çatal who is Head of the English Department of the current program, and Prof. Dr. Belkıs Atasever Arslan who is Head of the Turkish Department.".

"R&D focused training enabled us to develop very quickly"

Konuk conveyed the achievements of Üsküdar graduates that attracted attention worldwide and said that "We have risen to very good levels as a result of the progress of the University administration, especially our President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan within the framework of R&D focuses. This year, which is the 11th year of our establishment, is the 7th year of our department. We will give our semester graduates. Our graduates are doing master's and doctorate degree in very good universities. Currently, about 50 students from the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics are doing their master's and doctorate studies abroad. We sent two of them to Yale University in the United States, and one of our students is in British Columbia, Canada. However, we have many students who continue their studies at Max Planck in England, Finland, Denmark and Germany. We also have students in Portugal, Spain, Italy and Sweden. All of them continue their master's and doctoral studies there.”.

"We have become a brand in the field of Molecular Biology and Genetics with our projects"

Emphasizing the quality of the projects developed in the field of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Konuk said that the awareness of Üsküdar University in the sector has increased considerably. Konuk stated that "We have become a brand with the projects we have put forward in the field of Molecular Biology and Genetics. Ranking 12th in 11 years among 97 department can actually be seen as an unearthly achievement. If we look at the top 15 universities in the results, there are mainly foundation universities. In terms of the work we do, it is very important that Üsküdar University carries out studies that will make a difference. We have carried out serious studies because we work in a multidisciplinary way in areas such as stem cell treatments, genetic treatments, production and obtaining biomarkers that can be used in disease diagnosis. I think we have achieved great things with a very small number of people coming together. We are dealing with things that some cannot imagine.".

"We are making an impact all over the world because our R&D focuses are related to new areas"

Drawing attention to Üsküdar University's innovative perspective, Konuk said that "We are dealing with things that some cannot imagine.". Konuk said that "By including international students in these projects, we strive to benefit them as well. Moreover, I can say that we have gained a current momentum when we say the companies established by the students, the companies established by the professors and the companies established jointly by the two groups. I hope that these projects will lead to good developments for Türkiye, as well. Our work is making a tremendous impact in many parts of the world. Especially, we continue to make an impact all over the world with our work since our R&D focuses are related to new areas.".

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)