Young Gloob members met with communicators

GLOOB members, who started to broadcast on social media channels with the motto of "good content" and continued their work as an alternative media to traditional media, met with Üsküdar University Communication students. Gloob Members Zeynep Uzun, Recep Tayyip Çelik and M. Emre Duman shared their studies with the students and made remarks on how to be successful on digital platforms.

Gloob, which set out with the aim of combining the trust of traditional media and its experience in the field of journalism with new media, met with students at the event organized by Üsküdar University Department of Journalism.

The event held at the Fuat Sezgin Conference Hall of the Faculty of Communication received great interest from students. In the event where Head of the Department of Journalism Assoc. Prof. Gül Esra Atalay also participated, Zeynep Uzun, Recep Tayyip Çelik and M. Emre Duman presented their experiences and knowledge to communicators.

Zeynep Uzun: "Be patient, your efforts are rewarded."

Zeynep Uzun from the Gloob team, who told young communicators not to despair, said that "Everything depends on time and stability; therefore, we started this way, and we built our mass over time without losing our energy and without giving up. Success is something that is achieved over time, be patient and your efforts will pay off because when you produce content without stopping, Instagram or YouTube looks at it or it constantly says that it produces content to us and you attract attention, then you fall into discovery page and over time your audience is formed."

Zeynep Uzun: "You can be your own creator."

Expressing that do not do a profession you are unhappy with, stay where you are happy, Uzun said that "You can focus on your interests and be your own content producer. You can find your own medium and be your own boss. A journalist actually has to know everything at some point. One should be able to shoot their own video, edit their own video when necessary, write their own content. These are the things that can always take you one step ahead. When you do your own thing at the end of the day, you become your own boss.".

Emre Duman: "Concentrate on your interests."

Emre Duman, one of the members of Gloob, pointed out that special interests can make a person a content producer. Duman said that "When I was little, I wanted to be an astronaut, and now I am constantly reading articles, doing research and thinking about what I can tell you about space. And I started doing a lot of space content. Focus and research your interests and what makes you feel good. Produce content through them, and I am sure you will be successful.".

Recep Tayyip Çelik: "Do not leave your social media empty."

Recep Tayyip Çelik, a member of Gloob, said that you are valuable as long as you can do everything, and continued "I saw that they first look at what they do when hiring people. Which clubs a person has joined, which events a person has participated in, what one has done... Then, they look at the person's social media presence. I think you should not leave your Instagram and YouTube empty.".

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)