It has become a role model for the world in positive psychology…

Üsküdar University gives Positive Psychology lessons for 10 years.  Being selected successively five times as “the happiest country of the world”, Scandinavian country Finland’ tourism officials have started an application of isolation with the aim to reconnect with happiness. Happiness courses within the scope of this application bring forward the studies carried out in the field of positive psychology in our country.

Üsküdar University gives Positive Psychology lessons for 10 years

Being the first thematic university in the field of Behavior sciences and health in our country and carrying out important studies in the field of positive psychology since it has been founded, Üsküdar University gives positive psychology course as a compulsory course since 2013.

It has become a pioneer for the distinguished universities in the world…

As being a Pioneer in this field, Üsküdar University became the first university which included this course in their academic curriculum years before the distinguished universities in the world. The positive psychology course which Harvard University announced as a course to make a breakthrough in order for people to achieve happiness in 2015, aims at increasing individual skills such as empathy, emotional intelligence, overcoming problems. Yale University has begun to give it as a course in 2016 after Harvard, the USA. Later, Bristol University in England added positive psychology in their curriculum in 2019.

Prof.  Nevzat Tarhan: “Positive psychology is protective mental health”

Defining positive psychology as “the systemization of the Eastern Wisdom, Knowledge of the Anatolia with scientific methodology”, President of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said, “Positive psychology is a science answering many questions such as development, relationships, overcoming problems and marriage in individuals. A person who does not have any psychiatric program also needs positive psychology. It is a study of protective mental health.”.

Earthquake and post-traumatic growth were discussed in the 5th International Positive Psychology Congress

International Positive Psychology Congresses hosted by Üsküdar University, gather the world-known experts together in this field, which was organized for the first time in 2016. This year, the 5th International Positive Psychology Congress held in cooperation among NPİSTANBUL Hospital, Np Etiler & Feneryolu Medical Center, Turkish Psychological Counselling and Guidance Association and Positive Psychology Institute on March 10, 11 and 12, 2023 and the theme of the congress was “Science of Kindness/ What does Kindness Yield? & Earthquake and Post-traumatic Growth”.

Prof. Howard Gardner was the guest of honor 

Prof. Howard Gardner form Harvard University who is well-known fort s multiple intelligence theory was the guest of honor in the congress and made a speech titled “Science of Kindness, Multiple Intelligence Theory”. Topics that were discussed in the congress are as follows; “Science of Kindness”, “What does Kindness Yield?”, “The Meaning and Purpose of Life”, “Optimism and Hope”, “Post-traumatic Growth” and “Human Relationships and Social Support”. Multiple intelligence theorist Psychology Prof. Howard Gardner from the USA grabbed attention with his following remark “The life can be easier in the future, however, to stay human might not be that easy.”.

“Happiness Science, Positive Psychology Applications for the Youth” book is prepared in 5 years

The study titled “Happiness Science, Positive Psychology Applications for the Youth” prepared by Üsküdar University met with its readers at the beginning of this year and was published by Üsküdar University Publishing with the support of President of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan and Üsküdar University academicians. The supplementary textbook prepared by Instructor Elif Konar Özkan according to the general rules of the curriculum by the Ministry of National Education, has a quality of being a guidance for psychology counselors and school counselors, which consists of 19 units in the copyright of 22 professional psychology authors and completed in 5 years.

“Positive Psychology in 10 Steps”: It presents methods to develop our emotional intelligence skills

The book titled “Positive Psychology in 10 Steps” written by President of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan in 2019, presents practical methods to develop emotional intelligence in 10 steps, which was prepared by a team of 19 experts in different fields of psychology and psychiatry. In the book, concepts such as self-awareness, communication skills, motivations, perseverance, compromise are explained individually and enforced with psychodrama and applications in the book.

It contributes to scientific literature with “The Journal of Happiness and Well-Being”

Üsküdar University also contributes significantly to scientific literature with ‘The Journal of Happiness and Well-Being’.  ‘The Journal of Happiness and Well-Being’ contributes greatly to the field under the assistant editorship of Positive Psychology Coordinator Asst. Prof. Fatma Turan from Üsküdar University Department of Psychology.

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)