PsikoHayat discusses ‘SCIENCE OF KINDESS’ on the 23th issue

The 23th issue PsikoHayat, which is a journal published jointly by NPİSTANBUL application and science partner and Üsküdar University has reached with its readers. The journal with” Science of Kindness” cover topic draws attention with its special articles that are even more unique from another.  The latest issue of the journal provides a very rich content again with its articles discussing latest developments in the field of psychology, special interviews and news around the world.

The 23th issue PsikoHayat, which is a journal published quarterly by NPİSTANBUL application and science partner of Üsküdar University, is published with its rich content.

Goodness has an effect reducing depression and anxiety!

In the journal, which is covered by the Science of Kindness and where goodness is discussed from many angles, President of Üsküdar University Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan's article titled “’Goodness' that is good for body, soul and world" meets with the reader.

In the article, Tarhan underlined that kindness makes not only the other party but also the person themselves happy, and pointed out that kindness has a reducing effect on depression and anxiety. Tarhan said; "In fact, it has been seen that doing good deed is good for people. How is it good? Act of kindness makes not only the other person happy, but also the person themselves. It has a reducing effect on depression and anxiety. When a person performs a good deed, their self-esteem also increases. In research, when a person helps someone else, a happiness hormone is secreted in the brain given by empathy."

We destroy nature and environment with our own hands

Üsküdar University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Dean Prof. İbrahim Özdemir, who emphasized the importance of "the Evils We Do to the Environment" in the latest issue of PsikoHayat magazine. Prof. Özdemir said: "We are compelled to find ways to use the air we breathe, the water we drink, the soil on which we walk and which is the basis of our food without poisoning and polluting it. Our environment, which surrounds and embraces us with its air, water and soil, is deteriorating every day. How much has changed in the last decade. Not only the Sea of Marmara is on its deathbed but also in Ergene, Gediz, Sakarya and many other rivers, fish can no longer live as a result of factory waste. The quality of water, air and soil is also constantly deteriorating. We are destroying nature and environment with our own hands.".

Special Interview with Prof. Recep Akdağ

Former Minister of Health and Chairman of the Health Commission of the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye, Erzurum Deputy Prof. Recep Akdağ made sincere statements about his life to Üsküdar University Media Relations Specialist Ayşe Nur Akçelik İlgeç. Akdağ said; "Now I look back, I loved medicine. If I were born again, I would want to be a pediatrician again. It is a great profession; therefore, I am very happy. I am very happy to serve as a pediatrician, university lecturer and health minister.".

22 Experts wrote the ‘Book of Happiness’…

With the support of President of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan and Üsküdar University academicians, the book titled "The Science of Happiness, Positive Psychology Practices for Youth" was published by Üsküdar University Publishing. According to the general rules of the curriculum of the Ministry of National Education, the supplementary textbook prepared by Instructor Elif Konar Özkan consists of 19 units in the copyright of 22 psychology professionals. The work, which was completed in 5 years, also serves as a guide for psychological counselors and guidance teachers.

The Journal of ‘Happiness and Well-Being’: JHWB was published

The journal also features the Journal of Happiness and Well-Being JHWB. The importance of mental health in a global context has become even more important after the pandemic. The World Health Organization has set the theme of World Mental Health Day on October 10 as "Let's Make Mental Health and Mental Well-Being a Global Priority" this year. Üsküdar University, which has been carrying out serious studies in the field of positive psychology since its establishment and publishing the "Global Well-Being Manifesto" in 2021 in this context, has now launched the Journal of 'Happiness and Well-being' (JHWB) to encourage applied and pragmatic critical analysis of issues related to happiness and psychological well-being. It is also aimed to contribute to academic interaction with JHWB, an international scientific journal.

“Al-Mizan: A Covenant for the Earth” was Shared with the Whole World

One of the topics in the magazine is Al-Mizan: A Covenant for the Earth. Al-Mizan: A Covenant for the Earth, a joint working paper carried out under the umbrella of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Faith for the World Initiative, to which Muslim thought leaders around the world contributed, has been completed. While reminding people of their responsibilities regarding climate change and the protection of natural resources and biodiversity, which are the common heritage of the world, especially Muslim communities, the Covenant underlines that it is a sacred goal for humanity to respect the natural balance based on the values that form the basis of Islam.

Türkiye’s first international Wikidata event was held at Üsküdar

In the journal, where many names in the field discuss the science of kindness from their own perspectives, attention is also drawn to the important events hosted by Üsküdar University. One of them is the Wikidata program with international participation.

Turkic-speaking volunteers from 10 countries and autonomous regions of the world came together at the Wikidata Istanbul 2022 Wikidata Conference held at Üsküdar University. Created in collaboration with volunteers, Wikidata is a vast database that supports more than 300 Wikipedia language versions. The conference aims to collaborate on the more effective use of Wikidata.

Being a public current publication PsikoHayat, in which Üsküdar University Corporate Communication Department Head Tahsin Aksu's editorial is included, presents different research, interpretations, columns, exclusive interviews and articles under a special topic in each issue.

PsikoHayat, which includes news about Üsküdar University and its science partner NPİSTANBUL Hospital, is sent to the libraries of all public and private schools all over Türkiye

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Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)